02.01.2006 - Official Charts
Single: All About Us
World: #16 (Best: #12)
European Union: #11 (Best: #3)
Austria: #35 (Best: #3)
Belgium (Flanders): #22 (Best: #11)
Belgium (Wallony): #6 (Best: #4)
France: #17 (Best: #7)
Germany: #33 (Best: #7)
Greece: #24 (Best: #9)
Italy: #15 (Best: #4)
Luxembourg: #13 (Best: #6)
Sweden: #18 (Best: #6)
Switzerland: #13 (Best: #14)
Source: TatySite.net
Russia Today Interview

02.01.2006 - Tatu as Motoalert Artist Of The Month at MTV Asia
Tatu are chosen as Motoalert Artist Of The Month for January 2006
in MTV Asia. MTV Asia also will air some special Tatu shows on MTV, such as:
MTV Ask, MTV Hits, MTV Making A Video: All About Us, and MTV Making A Video: Friend Or Foe.
All About Us is
#9 in MTV Asia Hitlist ,
#18 in Indonesia Airplay Chart, and
All About Us is also #17 in Indonesia End-Year Chart.
Source: TatySite.net (by materials of MTV Asia)
09.01.2006 - Official Charts
Single: All About Us
World: #17 (Best: #12)
European Union: #18 (Best: #3)
Austria: #28 (Best: #3)
Belgium (Flanders): #30 (Best: #11)
Belgium (Wallony): #7 (Best: #4)
France: #14 (Best: #7)
Germany: #36 (Best: #7)
Greece: #21 (Best: #9)
Italy: #25 (Best: #4)
Luxembourg: #12 (Best: #6)
Sweden: #20 (Best: #6)
Switzerland: #11 (Best: #11)
Source: TatySite.net
11.01.2006 - Tatu are making for Europe again
January, 18 Tatu are making for Europe again. At 4:25 PM Lena and Julia are arriving at Helsinki, where on January, 19 NRJ Radio Awards annual ceremony, prestigious music award in Nordic countries, takes place. Tatu are nominated in two categories: Best Pop and Best International Group. Tatu will stay at HOTEL KLAUS K. In the evening of January, 18 Lena and Julia will have a rehearsal at Hartwall Areena.
January, 19
From 3:30 PM to 6 PM dress rehearsal of the ceremony is taking place at Hartwall Areena. Before the ceremony Tatu will meet with journalists from Popaddikti, MTV Finland, Voice TV, Mix, Radio NRJ, Suosikki and Cosmopolitan.
At NRJ Radio Awards Tatu will present the award to one of the nominees and will perform "All About Us".
January, 20 Tatu are leaving for Budapest, where on January, 21 they will be special guests at Hungarian GRAMMIES ceremony. Lena and Julia will sing "All About Us".
On January, 21 Tatu are coming for a few days to Moscow.
January, 24 Lena and Julia will go to London with a promo-visit. More details coming soon!
Source: Official Site
11.01.2006 - "Dangerous and Moving" is at #79
International version of Tatu second album appeared in the annual TOP 100 list of the albums in the powerful UK publication The Observer. "Dangerous and Moving" is at #79.
Source: Official Site
Radio Echo, Moscow

16.01.2006 - Official Charts
Single: All About Us
World: #17 (Best: #12)
European Union: #22 (Best: #3)
Austria: #20 (Best: #3)
Belgium (Flanders): #39 (Best: #11)
Belgium (Wallony): #8 (Best: #4)
France: #14 (Best: #7)
Germany: #30 (Best: #7)
Greece: #25 (Best: #9)
Italy: #22 (Best: #4)
Luxembourg: #25 (Best: #6)
Sweden: #25 (Best: #6)
Switzerland: #9 (Best: #9)
Single: Friend Or Foe
European Union: #185
Greece: #35
Source: TatySite.net
18.01.2006 - Arrive in Helsinki, Finland
19.01.2006 - Rehearsal for NRJ Radio Awards
19.01.2006 - Interview Popaddikti
19.01.2006 - Finland Popikoni

19.01.2006 - Interview MTV Finland
19.01.2006 - Interview Voice TV
19.01.2006 - Interview MIX
19.01.2006 - Interview Suosikki
19.01.2006 - Interview Cosmopolitan
19.01.2006 - Interview Suosikki
19.01.2006 - Interview Cosmopolitan
19.01.2006 - NRJ Radio Awards, Hartwall Areena Helsinki 2006
At the Finnish Hartwall Arena Tatu got the award in all two categories - "Best Pop" and "Best International Group". Two copies of "NRJ Radio Awards" - prestigious music award of Nordic countries – are ours! Thank you, guys, for support in voting! In 2003 Tatu won NRJ Radio Award in the nomination Best International New Artist.

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NRJ radio awards advert
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20.01.2006 - Leaving for Budapest
21.01.2006 - Hungarian GRAMMIES ceremony
21.01.2006 - Back in Moscow
21.01.2006 - Julia Volkova will study at the State University of Management
Julia Volkova, a singer from group Tatu, has decided to enroll at the State University of Management (SUM) to study producing. Volkova, who has managed to reach world-wide popularity and give birth to a baby by 20 years old, has decided to seriously take control of her career, and not rely on unpredictable producers. Julia’s choice to study the basics of copyrights, advertisement and PR in show business, business planning of music projects and the organization of promo-campaigns at SUM was influenced by the suggestion of her colleagues, who in fact lecture in this particular department. Among them, for example, is Sergei Bobza, who represents the "Copyrights in music industry" discipline. He is famous in our country as the leading artist in show business, and was in the past the director of legal matters at Ivan Shapovalov’s producing center, with whom Yulia met several times while working with her ex-producer. Yulia met with several representatives of this profession during the course of her career - such as Artem Troitskyi, Fedor Bondarchuk, Iosif Prigozhin, and Yuryi Aksyuta – and rightfully sees them as the great minds of national music industry, and the only people in the country that could teach the intricacies of the work involved in being a producer and an artist. She was also attracted to the opportunity to be taught by foreign professionals, such as Bel Brown – producer of Boy George, who was especially invited to the SUM to lecture on "The structure of foreign show business". After this, Yulia Volkova plans to take part in an intern program at one of the Western music-recording companies, which is offered by the management of the facility to make sure of successful management of Tatu in the West.
Source: Gazeta.Ru (by materials of rma.ru)
Translated by katbeidar
SchoeneckTV 2006

MTV Interview 2006

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23.01.2006 - Official Charts
Single: All About Us
World: #19 (Best: #12)
European Union: #29 (Best: #3)
Austria: #27 (Best: #3)
Belgium (Flanders): #41 (Best: #11)
Belgium (Wallony): #7 (Best: #4)
France: #17 (Best: #7)
Germany: #37 (Best: #7)
Greece: #29 (Best: #9)
Italy: #29 (Best: #4)
Luxembourg: #15 (Best: #6)
Sweden: #23 (Best: #6)
Switzerland: #12 (Best: #9)
Single: Friend Or Foe
Greece: #34
Source: TatySite.net
24.01.2006 - Arrive in London
Tatu arrived in London with another promo visit. Lena and Julia are staying at Courthouse Hotel.
This morning Tatu have been in two MTV shows: MTV Hits Top 5 and MTV Screenplay Interview. The latter was about the March release of "Night Watch" movie in Europe.
After lunch Tatu will give an interview to E4 Music Zone, music program of Channel 4, and will sing second single "Friend or Foe" at Pop World.
In the evening Lena and Julia will surf London shops in search of presents for MTV show "Russian Valentine".
On 28 January, Tatu are performing at London's G.A.Y club again. Show starts at 1 AM. More details here.
Source: Official Site
24.01.2006 - Interview 'Wake Up' With tatu E4 Music Zone, Channel 4

24.01.2006 - Popworld

MTV Valentines day 2006

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28.01.2006 - Glam As You Concert, London

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Chistoserdechnoe Priznanie NTV

30.01.2006 - ZD Awards Moscow

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t.A.T.u. and Sergej Zverev
30.01.2006 - Official Charts
Single: All About Us
World: #22 (Best: #12)
European Union: #30 (Best: #3)
Austria: #33 (Best: #3)
Belgium (Wallony): #10 (Best: #4)
France: #20 (Best: #7)
Germany: #46 (Best: #7)
Greece: #37 (Best: #9)
Italy: #16 (Best: #4)
Luxembourg: #29 (Best: #6)
Sweden: #23 (Best: #6)
Switzerland: #14 (Best: #9)
Single: Friend Or Foe
Greece: #25
Source: TatySite.net
07.02.2006 - Official Charts
Single: All About Us
World: #25 (Best: #12)
European Union: #35 (Best: #3)
Austria: #39 (Best: #3)
Belgium (Wallony): #14 (Best: #4)
France: #27 (Best: #7)
Germany: #51 (Best: #7)
Italy: #18 (Best: #4)
Sweden: #25 (Best: #6)
Switzerland: #18 (Best: #9)
Source: TatySite.net
07.02.2006 - Official Charts
Single: All About Us
World: #25 (Best: #12)
European Union: #66 (Best: #3)
Austria: #46 (Best: #3)
Belgium (Wallony): #18 (Best: #4)
France: #34 (Best: #7)
Germany: #56 (Best: #7)
Greece: #30 (Best: #9)
Italy: #27 (Best: #4)
Sweden: #45 (Best: #6)
Switzerland: #26 (Best: #9)
Single: Friend Or Foe
Ireland: #34
UK: #48
Source: TatySite.net
20.02.2006 - Official Charts
Single: All About Us
World: #26 (Best: #12)
European Union: #109 (Best: #3)
Austria: #51 (Best: #3)
Belgium (Wallony): #20 (Best: #4)
France: #41 (Best: #7)
Greece: #32 (Best: #9)
Italy: #34 (Best: #4)
Sweden: #55 (Best: #6)
Switzerland: #30 (Best: #9)
Single: Friend Or Foe
European Union: #180
Ireland: #49 (Best: #34)
Source: TatySite.net
21.02.2006 - "Gomenasai" will be Tatu's third single
Still fresh second (after "All About Us") single "Friend or Foe" could hardly get its proper run when the third Tatu single from the album "Dangerous and Moving" became known. It will be "Gomenasai". Interscope Records recently confirmed this information. Release dates are still not available.
Source: TatySite.net
21.02.2006 - Budapest Fonogram

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Hungary Report Fonogram awards 2006
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23.02.2006 - Hungary RTL Interview
22.02.2006 - Just Café, Moscow

End February - t.A.T.u. Gomenasai Animated Video Release
The place holder video of "Gomenasai", in the form of Japanese anime, was released late February 2006 and early March 2006 in some countries. The video starts with Yulia lying in her room, thinking about Lena, but unbeknownst to her, she was being carefully watched by a small robot. Yulia watches as Lena is being taken away by a larger robot. Yulia then changes her clothes and equips herself with weapons, then goes to start her car. While Yulia is driving the car, she finds out she is being trailed by robots. One of the robots shoots her car with a heat seeking missile, causing Yulia to lose control of her car and causing it to flip over, Yulia manages to escape and kill the robots by making her car explode by pushing a button on her waist. Meanwhile Lena is trapped in prison by an enemy. Yulia breaks inside the enemy's fort and defeats them. The video is available through iTunes in some European countries and the United States.
27.02.2006 - Official Charts
Single: All About Us
World: #33 (Best: #12)
European Union: #180 (Best: #3)
Austria: #72 (Best: #3)
Belgium (Wallony): #29 (Best: #4)
France: #46 (Best: #7)
Greece: #37 (Best: #9)
Italy: #44 (Best: #4)
Sweden: #56 (Best: #6)
Switzerland: #39 (Best: #9)
Single: Friend Or Foe
European Union: #111
Belgium (Wallony): #31
Italy: #17
Source: TatySite.net
06.03.2006 - Tatu are leaving Moscow again
Tomorrow Tatu are leaving Moscow again – new promo-tour, video shoot, rehearsals, concerts!
7-10 March – Germany
11-21 March – Los Angeles (USA)
22-25 March - Germany
30 March – 2 April – Santiago (Chili)
10-11 April – Tallinn (Estonia)
12 April – Riga (Latvia)
14-15 April – Novosibirsk
27-29 April – St. Petersburg
06.03.2006 - Official Charts
Single: All About Us
Austria: #57 (Best: #3)
Belgium (Wallony): #40 (Best: #4)
France: #60 (Best: #7)
Italy: #50 (Best: #4)
Switzerland: #36 (Best: #9)
Single: Friend Or Foe
European Union: #60
Belgium (Wallony): #27
Italy: #17
07.03.2006 - Arrival in Germany - Cologne Bonn Airport
10.03.2006 - 'Top Of The Pops' - Germany

Top of the pops Flipsyde and tatu Advert TOTP
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Flipsyde and tatu Interview TOTP
Download | Watch
10.03.2006 - Performance at 'The Dome' - Königspalast Krefeld, Germany

All about us
Watch | Download
Happy Birthday
11.03.2006 - Leaving for Los Angeles (USA)
18.03.2006 - NRJ Festival Hamburg

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25.03.2006 - TRL Awards, Italy

Download | Watch
Receive Awards (Best Video)
Watch Video 1 | Watch Video 1
Watch | Download
Radio 105 Italy [25.03.2006]

Italy Ciao Greetings

MTV TRL Performance (with Flipsyde)

01.04.2006 - Order of Frienship for Tatu - to be or not to be?
Last week, Tatu were officially nominated for the Order of Friendship at the Russian Parliament. The expert committee of the Russian Ministry of Culture is going to decide whether to honour Lena and Yulia with this State order or not, while the Parliament committee didn't support this nomination. However, public opinion on this issue remains cardinally split. It’s still questionable if the scandalous duo, which sold more albums in Japan that The Beatles themselves, will be awarded or not. Nevertheless, Yulia and Lena will tell us what they generally think about State honours tomorrow in the show "Segodnya" on NTV.
More material on the issue can be found in the Press section of our portal.
02.04.2006 - Pro obzor o Yule

Watch | Download
05.04.2006 - Tatu are nominated for Muz TV Awards 2006
The press conference of Muz TV's took place on April 4, where all nominees for Muz TV Awards 2006 were announced. More than 300 experts - the show business professionals and journalists, chose the nominees.
Tatu are nominated in 4 categories - Best Song (All About Us), Best Pop-group, Best Album (Ludi Invalidi) and Best Video (All About Us).
Public voting will traditionally cover all regions of Russia and is open until May 20. Special voting bills will be published in newspapers and magazines. Internet voting can be done at premiamuztv.ru. Sms voting is open too.
The ceremony of the Muz TV Awards 2006 will take place on June 2 at Olympiysky Arena (Moscow).
Source: TatySite.net (by materials of NEWSmusic.ru)
10.04.2006 - Tatu are arriving in Tallinn
At 11:20 AM (local time) Tatu are arriving in Tallinn the capital of Estonia . Flight OV 302. A crowd of media representatives and fans met the duo. Right in the airport the girls gave interviews to Estonian TV3 and Channel One Russia. The singers told them about the upcoming shows and shared their joy to visit Tallinn once again – one of their favourite cities.
10.04.2006 - Concert in Tallinn, Saku Suurhall
Tatu gave their first full-scaled gig of the world Dangerous And Moving Tour 2006 in the Tallinn arena Saku Suurhall. A set of fireworks opened the show, which followed by Yulia and Lena dressed in tent shaped fur coats. The audience didn’t expect such an outfit from these rock-chicks. During the gig, Tatu changed their outfits without leaving the stage. It clearly amused the audience. The gig lasted for one hour and some twenty minutes. It contained 18 acts:
1. Dangerous and Moving Intro
2. Ludi Invalidi
3. All About Us
4. Loves Me Not
5. Friend Or Foe
6. Nichya
A guitar solo by Troy
7. Chto Ne Hvataet
8. How Soon Is Now
9. Outer Space
10. Show Me Love
11. Novaya Model
12. Sacrifice
13. Polchasa
14. Obezianka Nol
15. Nas Ne Dogonyat
16. Ne Ver', Ne Boisya, Ne Prosi
17. Ya Soshla S Uma
18. All About Us - encore
After the gig, Tatu came out to see their fans and to be photographed. Even though Lena had said before the gig that the show wasn’t completely ready yet, it went fine. You could notice some "rawness" of the acts and minor sound problems but as a whole, everything looked pretty good.
Later, the same night Tatu left for Riga, where the tour goes on.
11.04.2006 - Tatu are arriving in Riga
On April, 11, the first-after-the-second- album-release Baltic concert takes place. At the airport Lena and Julia will be met by the journalists and photographers. And their fans!
13.04.2006 - Tatu will perform at Bravo OTTO Supershow
Tatu are special guests and nominees at the German Bravo Supershow in Stuttgart.
Bravo Supershow
Place: Stuttgart
Location: Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle
Date: Saturday, 6. May 2006
Entrance: 3 pm
Show-Start: 5 pm
List of the performers: US 5, Tokio Hotel, Silbermond, Revolverheld, Marc Terenzi, Fler, LaFee, Marie Serneholt, Jonathan Walther, Shakira, Tobias Regner, t.A.T.u.!
Vote for your favourite artist at bravo.de.
17.04.2006 - t.A.T.u. eXpedition starts
Muz-TV started the new reality-project "t.A.T.u. eXpedition".
"All the most secret and fascinating from life of T.A.T.U! Ten unforgettable days together with Lena and Julia. What they today? Two girlfriends, two mistresses or two competitors? How life of stars some years after has changed? " - premiere of Muz-TV!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednsday, Thursday
9:25 PM
Episode Repeated
Tuesday, Wednsday, Thursday, Friday
2:40 PM and 5:40 PM
Episodes Repeated On Weekend
first two episodes:
Saturday 1:25 PM
second two episodes:
Sunday 12:55 AM
17.05.2006 - STS History in details
17.05.2006 - STS History in details
17.04.2006 - Tatu's visit in Chile is cancelled
The promo visit to Chile scheduled for April 16-21 has been cancelled due to unknown at the moment reasons. The gig in Novisibirsk rescheduled for May 27 remains under the question.
The announced cancellation of the Chilean gig rescheduled first from April, 1 to April 21 and then again to April 22 is withdrawn, while the promo activities scheduled for April 16 - 20 are off. The duo is still in Moscow at the moment. Such a chaos was caused by withdrawal of one of the Chilean sponsors and poor ticket sales. During the negotiations between Tatu’s office and the Chilean side it became possible to postpone such an important event instead of cancellation. The new dates are not set yet.
Both sides express their regrets over the issue.
17.04.2006 - Official Charts
Single: All About Us
Czechia: #37 (Best: #6)
Switzerland: #70 (Best: #9)
Single: Friend Or Foe
Czechia: #22 (Best: #16)
Single: Gomenasai
Latvia: #49
18.04.2006 - Neposedy Anniversary

21.04.2006 - MTV Fabrika Zvjozd Fame Factory
Channel One, Russia is broadcasting the sixth concert of Fame Factory. Tatu is invited as one of the performers. Yulia and Lena will sing All About Us together with the Fame Factory participant Arseny Borodin. The show started at 9.25 PM (Moscow Time) at Channel One, Russia.

23.04.2006 - Single Gomenasai - release dates
Release dates of the third Tatu single from their international album Dangerous And Moving became available. The single is expected to be in stores already in May.
"Gomenasai" (Japanese: I'm Sorry.) is a song by Russian recording duo t.A.T.u., taken from their second English language studio album Dangerous and Moving (2005). The song was written by Martin Kierszenbaum, and production was handled by Kierszenbaum and Robert Orton. The song was released in May 2006 as the album's third single by Interscope. The song was not initially supposed to be a single from the studio album as t.A.T.u. did not approve, however Interscope ignored and went forth with the single anyway. Due to conflicts between the label, "Gomenasai" was the last single from their record label.
Musically, it is a pop ballad song with electronic music influences. Lyrically it deals with the group saying "sorry" towards each other, using the Japanese word "Gomenasai", hence the title. "Gomenasai" received mixed to favorable reviews from music critics, who felt it was gentle and one of the group's best vocal songs to date, while some felt it was generic to other ballads. The song was not issued in most countries, but was generally moderate in the music charts. There were two different videos produced for this single: animated and live action.The song was written by Martin Kierszenbaum, and production was handled by Kierszenbaum and Robert Orton. The song was released in May 2006 as the album's third single by Interscope. The song was the group's last official single from the group's record labels; Interscope and Universal Russia. The group did not want to release the song as the third single, but the choice was up to their label who finally decided to release it.
Due to the further conflict, the group decided to leave the record label. The single, however was not the last release, as the group's compilation "The Best" was the final.
May 2 - Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark
May 5 - Germany
June 12 - UK
The promotional video to the single was shot in March in LA. It starts to appear on air of European TV channels with a whole deal of delay.
Europe Maxi-CD single
Released May 12, 2006
"Cosmos (Outer Space)" (She Wants Revenge Remix)
"Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have)" (Bollywood Mix)
"Gomenasai" (Music Video)
Europe CD single
"Gomenasai "
"Cosmos (Outer Space)" (She Wants Revenge Remix)
24.03.2006 - Dortmund Rushhour Club, Germany

25.04.2006 - Tatu in St. Petersburg (Russia)
Tomorrow, April 26 Tatu take an afternoon flight Moscow - St. Petersburg for taking part on the same night in the late recording of the show Family Matters on Channel 5 of St. Petersburg and a gig in the Peterburgsky Arena on April, 28.
Recording of the show will start at 10.30 PM (Moscow time). Except Yulia and Lena, 10 fans of Tatu's are invited to participate in that show. Airing is to be announced later.
The gig in the Peterburgsky Arena is the third full-scaled show of the Dangerous and Moving Tour 2006. The gig starts at 7.00 PM (Moscow Time).
26.04.2006 - Tatu in St. Petersburg – Changes
As we have already informed, today on April 26 Tatu are leaving Moscow for St. Petersburg. Due to organisational reasons, Tatu's arrival in St. Petersburg will be somewhat belated. The R-200 train will bring Tatu at Moscovsky Railway Station only at 11.15 PM, so recording of the show Family Matters previously scheduled for 10.30 is rescheduled for the later time but on the same night.
Family Matters will be aired on April, 27 at 5.40 PM (Channel 5, St. Petersburg). Tatu are staying at Grand Hotel Emerald.
Moreover, according to the Official Site, Tatu On-Line store is now open but you can buy the Tatu brand items only at the gigs. Why is it On-Line store and how to use its on-line service remains a mystery at the moment.
Source: TatySite.net
27.04.2006 - Arrive in St. Petesburg

Video 1 - Watch Download
Video 2 - Watch Download
26.04.2006 - 'Family Matters'
April 26, a bit after the midnight Tatu took part in the recording of the show Family Matters on Channel 5 of St. Petersburg TV. The show was formed as a talk show, where both the presenter and the audience asked Yulia and Lena questions.Despite the fact that Tatu came to the TV studio right after their arrival to the Moskovsky Railway Station of St. Petersburg, the girls didn't show any particular signs of tiredness and stayed cool. Some got confused by the inscription on Yulia's top, which said "Fuck me. I'm famous". The show presenter Grushevsky clearly didn't know how to relate to all this and tried to find out whether Yulia and Lena were lesbians or not. Yulia and Lena fought such things back by asking counter-questions. The presenter didn't like this order and declared that it was he, who asked questions there. Except a worn-out topic on the girls' relationship, the audience wondered about the reasons of Tatu's appearance at the Fame Factory show and the time spent in the children's band Neposedy.
28.04.2006 - Concert in St Petersburg

28.04.2006 - Troy enjoys working with Tatu
Guitar player Troy McCubbin has been working with Tatu for a while now. Once he was chosen by Interscope to play in Tatu to give the group a more powerful live sound at the performances. Now Tatu-girls take him as a part of their family. Yulia and Lena call him "a person of a constant positive charge" and a creative generator of the team.
A few days ago Troy told through his website that he's always happy to see the girls, to rock and tour together with them. "I am really looking forward to seeing Yulia and Lena again and rocking out big time in St. Petersburg.", writes Troy and adds – "I am excited to get to Latin America and tour down there. I know the girls and all us guys in the band are dying to get down there and play some big shows! I love Latin America! The people there are the best and I love their passion for music and life. It really inspires me to keep playing music and to just enjoy life."
Troy McCubbin was born and grew up in Traralgon Victoria, Australia. He began playing the guitar already at the age of 10, when his father helped him to put together a guitar to practice. Having huge interest in music, Troy studied music theory for the next 8 years. There he got fundamental knowledge in jazz, classics and rock under leadership of famous guitar player - Tony Calabro. Later on, Troy moved to Los Angeles to extend his studies. Soon enough he performed together with Аdreinne Frantz at L.A. Music Awards, where he won an award in the category "Best Rock male artist". His early success opened doors for him to perform with such famous artists as: Tatu, Enrique Iglesias, Kelly Clarkson. Troy is also a member of Latin Artist, Ana Victoria, which are signed at Capitol Records.
Source: TatySite.net
30.04.2006 - Chistoserdechnoe Priznanie NTV

05.05.2006 - Tatu are arriving at Stuttgart, Germany
May, 5 (Friday) at 4:32 PM Tatu are arriving at Stuttgart to perform at BRAVO Supershow, where the duo is a special guest. The show takes place on May, 6 at Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle. Begining: 5 PM.
Right after the arrival Tatu will go to the rehearsal to SCHLEYERHALLE TV studio (Mercedesstr. 51), and then the girls will head for LE MERIDIEN hotel to get some rest.
May, 6 at 3-4 PM the guest stars will do the red carpet.
Before the show Lena and Julia will do BRAVO TV interview and meet with some other media.
Source: Official site
06.05.2006 - Performance at BRAVO Supershow - Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle Stuttgart, Germany

All About Us
07.05.2006 - Tatu - tabloids are our style!
There's no secret that rumours and gossips has been following Tatu like no other artist. First, the girls didn't pay attention, then - they called many rumours for daylight lies and forbid tabloid's related info to be published on the official forum. Collaboration with the latter ones happens to be their latest trend now. Last week, Yulia and Lena gave an interview to a NTV reporter where they declared that tabloids were their style, their format. More over, they celebrated their new policy by puffing a hookah together with the Zhizn reporter.
Rumours about Yulia Volkova's affair with Vlad Topalov (former singer of the duo SMASH!!) appeared as hot news all over Russian press. Rumours didn't remain only rumours for a very long time. Yulia Volkova has officially declared her feeling for Vlad. Is it a PR or another love affair of the Tatu-girl - time will show.
As for rumours about possible wedding between Yulia and Vlad, we can assure you that the young people don't have any definite plans on it at the moment.
Please, visit Press section of our site for the press coverage of the event.
Source: TatySite.net
08.05.2006 - Tatu go movies
After Tatu had released their second album and toured across Europe with a promo, Tatu-girls decided not to waste any time while future possible gig contracts are signed - Lena and Yulia are about to take their chances playing a part in movies. Thus, a few days ago Yulia proudly said to the reporter of the St.Petersburg "Fontanka", "You'll see me on a big screen next year in one of the American blockbusters. I won't go into details now but the movie will rock."
While Yulia Volkova has all her hopes in Hollywood, her band mate Lena Katina received a proposal to play a part in a new film of Andery Kondratyev The Parisians-2. Producers are negotiating with Lena terms of the contract at the moment. As executive producer Leonid Dzunik says, "Lena has been dreaming of a part in a movie for a while now". The casting team was looking for a young woman with a genuine Slavic appearance and ginger Tatu-girl fits this role perfectly. What part will Lena play in the movie isn't revealed yet. It can happen that she'll make just an appearance. The film director Andery Kondratyev explained that the movie is thought as a romantic comedy about the life in the Russian village with a French name Paris. Except Lena Katina, famous French actor Gerard Depardieu is invited to play in this movie. Shooting is planned for June-August 2006 in the suburbs of Saratov (Russia).
13.05.2006 - MTV Newsblock Volkova Topalov rumours

14.05.2006 - Tatu continue touring
Tatu's tour schedule has been gradually formed by the beginning of summer. It's too early to speak about the dates yet but according to close to Yulia and Lena sources, the duo will tour Moscow (Russia), Los Angeles (USA), Mongolia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Japan, Korea and Latin America.
Some details:
Moscow (Russia) - appearance on Muz-Tv Awards, June 2
Belgium - performance at Rock Werchter Festival, June 29
Finland - performance at Race & Rock Festival, July 28
Japan - this fall
Source: TatySite.net
17.05.2006 - STS story in detail

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02.06.2006 - MUZ TV Awards, Moscow Olympic Hall
Tatu won 3 nominations. Tatu won three nominations in Muz-TV Awards 2006 - Best Group, Best Video, Best Song. Tatu was totally nominated in four categories but the Best Album award went to another Russian group Umaturman. Julia and Lena had an opening act at the ceremony where they performed All About Us and Nas Ne Dogonyat (Not Gonna Get Us).
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15.06.2006 - Arrive in Tokyo

Japan TV Show

28.06.2006 - Concert at PZR Belgium
June, 29 Tatu perform at Belgian fest PZR with almost an-hour long set!
June, 27 at 10:55 PM Lena and Julia arrive at Brussels International Airport, flight SU 231. In the morning of June, 28 the musicians arrive in the city, and in the evening, from 7:30 till 9 PM the band has a soundcheck.
On June, 29 Tatu start the set around 2 PM!
01.07.2006 - Comedy Club
July, 1 at 10 PM (Moscow time) Tatu are guest stars of Comedy Club show on TNT channel, Russia!

13.07.2006 - Arrive in Mexico
July, 13 at 3:55 PM flight AFAM 432 (Air France) will bring Tatu to the Mexico international airport. Tatu team will be staying at Four Seasons Mexico Hotel D.F. (changes may occur).
13.07.2006 - Press Conference
In the afternoon the girls will have a press-conference
13.07.2006 - Soundcheck
Afterwards a soundcheck before the evening show at PALACIO DE LOS DEPORTES venue (capacity 9 200 people).
14.07.2006 - Mexico City Concert, Palacio De Los Deportes

Ados Interview

15.07.2006 - Flight to Guadalajara
The band stays at Hilton Guadalahara hotel.
16.06.2006 - Interview Entrevista Fahrenheit

Part 1
Part 2
16.06.2006 - Interview Televisa Espectбculos
16.06.2006 - Interview Maxima Fm
16.06.2006 - Interview 40 principales radiostations
16.06.2006 - Autograph Session at musical store 'Mr CD', Mexico Guadalajara
t.A.T.u. gave a two hours signing session.

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16.07.2006 - Concert in Guadalajara, Mexico

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16.06.2006 - In the evening Tatu are leaving for Mexico City
Two days in a row Lena and Julia will be communicating with Mexican mass media. Don't miss Tatu on MTV Latino, Telehit, Televisa network, Hechos/Hit M3, "Top 10", Exa Tv, Pepsi Chart, "Hijas de la Madre Tierra" show.
Hit M3 Interview, Mexico

18.07.2006 - Pepsi Chart Interview, Mexico

Mexico Message

18.07.2006 - Interview at Hijas de la Madre Tierra, Mexico

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18.07.2006 - Top 10 Interview

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18.07.2006 - Chicas Arriba Interview

Ellas con las estrellas 2006
MTV Noticias 2006

18.07.2006 - Performance at Mexican TV show Otro Rollo Call

19.07.2006 - Autograph Session Mexico
22.07.2006 - Red Summer Festival, Moscow
On July, 22 Tatu will perform at the Vasilievsky Spusk of the Red Square in Moscow as a part of the show Red Summer organised by MTC. Besides Tatu - Shakira, Black Eyed Peas and Dima Bilan will perform there. Each participant will have an approximately 1-hour performance set. As manager of SAV Entertainment Rita Nekrasova informs, any other performers won't get enough time to run their set, so the present list of performers is probably a final one. The festival starts at 19.00 (Moscow time).
27.06.2006 - Loves Me Not will be the new single of Tatu's
Tatu's song Loves Me Not from their second album Dangerous And Moving, will become the fourth single. The videoshoot for this song is planned to take place in July. "In July we're gonna shoot a new video. The video treatment is crazy, but hush - it's a secret..." - wrote Yulia in her diary. The release dates of the single are not set at the moment.
Source: TatySite.net
27.07.2006 - Helsinki Airport

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28.07.2006 - Concert in Vauhtiajot, Race & Rock
Tatu are the headliners of the Finnish "Race & Rock" festival. At first it was solely a "racing" event (kind of like Finnish "formula 1"), but several years ago the festival decided to add music to the event’s concept. Now the guests are not only participating in the races and cheering up racers, but also "speeding up" along with famous Finnish rock bands. July, 27 at 5:55 PM Tatu arrive at Helsinki. In the afternoon of July, 28 – on the day of the festival – the band has a sound-check, and in the evening at about 11:30 PM Tatu start their hour-long set. Saturday, July 29, Tatu return to Moscow.
Tatu are the headliners of the Finnish "Race & Rock" festival. At first it was solely a "racing" event (kind of like Finnish "formula 1"), but several years ago the festival decided to add music to the event’s concept. Now the guests are not only participating in the races and cheering up racers, but also "speeding up" along with famous Finnish rock bands. July, 27 at 5:55 PM Tatu arrive at Helsinki. In the afternoon of July, 28 – on the day of the festival – the band has a sound-check, and in the evening at about 11:30 PM Tatu start their hour-long set. Saturday, July 29, Tatu return to Moscow.

01.08.2006 - Tatu are going to Japan with a promo-tour
Tatu are releasing their concert DVD "Truth" on September, 20 in Japan. Almost a month before the release the band is coming to "the country of rising sun" with a promo-tour of the first officially released live concert that took place in St. Petersburg on April, 28 2006. So, from August, 15 up to August, 22 Lena, Yulia and the Tatu crew are in Japan!
04.08.2006 - Julia Volkova in Soshi

Russkoe Radio Sochi Russia- 04.08.2006

04.08.2006 - Concert in Soshi

At 10 am Tatu are arriving at Tokyo (flight SU-575). Japanese journalists, who work at the Narita International Airport, will cover the band's arrival. Tatu will stay at Akasaka Prince Hotel. The same day at 5 pm Tatu will have a showcase performance for about three hundred Japanese fans in the Addict Club.
21.08.2006 - Tatu-girl got a new tatoo
During the promo-visit to Japan, Tatu-girl Yulia Volkova decided to expand her tattoo-collection. Before she had only two - both on her back. This time a small tattoo shaped as a Japanese sign appeared on her arm. According to the Japanese Tatu staff, the sign is read as "dragon". It was also said that Yulia asked a tattoo-specialist to come to the hotel and fulfil her wish.
Source: TatySite.net
16.08.2006 - Tokyo
During the day Tatu are giving interviews to the top-notch Japanese media. And in the evening the band is honored to open with its performance the most important national fireworks festival in Japan "Jingu-hanabi" that gathers about 260 thousand people every year.

18.08.2006 - Nagoya
Tatu will spend the whole day in Nagoya where Lena and Yulia will continue interaction with Japanese mass-media.
19.08.2006 - Tokyo
The band comes back to Tokyo where several radio interviews and photo shoots are scheduled for Tatu
20.08.2006 - Guests of Yokohama's main radio station (2pm)

20.08.2006 - Performance in Japan (Yokohama)- Club Basys
hen the band returns to Tokyo, to the Addict Club where Tatu will do a round of interviews with about 50 representatives of Japanese media. At 7 pm Tatu are again performing in this club.
hen the band returns to Tokyo, to the Addict Club where Tatu will do a round of interviews with about 50 representatives of Japanese media. At 7 pm Tatu are again performing in this club.

21.08.2006 - Sapporo
The band is flying to Sapporo – the central city of Hokkaido Island. Tatu are invited to the show "Love on TV" (HBS TV Channel) and the music program "Maru-on" (HTV TV Channel). Radio interviews (AIR-G FM, FM North Wave) are scheduled as well.

23.08.2006 - Hokkaido
From the airport of Hokkaido Tatu are leaving for Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk where the band will continue their "Dangerous and Moving" tour in Russia and Ukraine.
23.08.2006 - Tatu are nominated for MTV RMA 2006
The ceremony will take place on September, 21 in Ledovi Dvoretc of St.Petersburg.
Tatu are nominated for the 3rd Annual MTV Russia Music Awards 2006 in five categories:
Best Group
Best Pop Project
Best Song ("All About Us")
Best Video ("All About Us")
Artist of the Year
24.08.2006 - The gigs in Far East have been cancelled
The Dangerous and Moving Russian Tour of Tatu's began with the cancellation of the gigs in the Far East of Russia. After the promotional tour to Japan, the duo was flown back to Moscow. The gigs in Yuzhnosakhalinsk (scheduled for Aug., 24), Nakhodka (Aug., 26), Vladivostok (Aug.,27) and Khabarovsk (Aug., 29) have been cancelled. The fact of cancellation has been known since August, 20 but the official statement was issued only today. One of the reasons of such a cancellation was in fact inability of the organisers to comply with the clauses of the contract.Nevertheless, the official site of the group preferred to issue the following statement: "Due to the country’s mourning over those who died in the TU-154 plane crash Tatu shows in the Far East (Yuzhnosakhalinsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Nakhodka) are indefinitely postponed. We express our deepest condolences to relatives and friends of the plane crash victims."
Source: TatySite.net
02.09.2006 - Autograph Session in Samara (Russia), "SOYUZ" store
Address: Shopping Mall "MEGAKOMPLEX Na Moskovskom", Moskovskoye highway, 18 km
Beginning: 12 am
Address: Shopping Mall "MEGAKOMPLEX Na Moskovskom", Moskovskoye highway, 18 km
Beginning: 12 am

02.09.2006 - Press Conference in Samara (Russia)

Interview in Samara

02.09.2006 - Concert in Samara, "Metallurg" stadium (7pm)

07.09.2006 - The Tour in Russia and Ukraine under a risk of cancellation
Due to the failure of the tour promoter, "Kreml.Kontsert" company represented by its cheif executive of concert department S.V. Lavrov, to comply with its obligations to Tatu, we have to inform you that our cooperation with "Kreml.Kontsert" has ended and that "Dangerous and Moving" tour schedule will change. New tour dates will be annunced in the next 7 days.
09.09.2006 - Autograph Session in Kaliningrad

09.09.2006 - Concert in Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad Press Conference
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11.09.2006 - The Best Release
The Best (aka The Best of t.A.T.u., t.A.T.u. The Best) is a CD/ set from the Russian group t.A.T.u. featuring hit singles, rare mixes, three previously unreleased tracks, a live concert, music videos and more. There are two versions of the set, one with only a CD, and another with a CD and a DVD (sometimes referred to as the "Deluxe Edition"). In Korea, the Deluxe Edition came with a poster. In the U.S., only the CD version was sold, and only in Best Buy stores. However, for U.S. online retailers, it was available, and for some by import from Korea.
The Best was t.A.T.u.'s final release with the Universal Music Group label. Previously they went through Universal International.
he set was released on September 4, 2006 in Korea and Brazil, September 11 in Europe, September 27 in Japan, September 29 in Germany and October 10 in the U.S. It was later releases on the iTunes Store on November 7. There were different released off the album, including a cassette, compact disc, DVD and Vinyl.
The Best Advert
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All About Us
All The Things She Said
Not Gonna Get Us
How Soon Is Now?
Loves Me Not
Friend or Foe (Radio edit)
Null & Void (Previously unreleased, English edition of "Obez'yanka Nol")
Cosmos (Outer Space) (She Wants Revenge Remix)
Show Me Love (Radio edit)
Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have) (Bollywood Mix)
Ne Ver', Ne Boysia, Ne Prosi (Не Верь, Не Бойся, Не Проси) (Eurovision 2003)
30 Minutes
Divine (Extended version)
Perfect Enemy
All The Things She Said (Dave Audé Remix Edit)
Lyudi Invalidy (Люди Инвалиды) (Russian Radio Remix)
Loves Me Not (Glam As You Mix Radio Edit) 3:11
Nas Ne Dogonyat (Нас Не Догонят) (Not Gonna Get Us (Russian Version)
Ya Soshla S Uma (Я Сошла С Ума) (All The Things She Said (Russian Version)
12.09.2006 - The concert tour of Tatu through Russia fails with scandals
The schedule of the tour "Dangerous & Moving" of the group Tatu through Russia will undergo serious changes. The appearances of Yulya Volkova and Lena Katina in the Far East have already been cancelled, the concerts planned in September are under threat too. This is related to the conflict between the manager of the group and the organizer of the tour - the company "Kreml Concert".
In the view of the company "Kreml Concert" the failure of the tour is completely the fault of the group Tatu. The first concert of the far-eastern part of the tour was planned for Yushno-Sakhalinsk on Aug, 24. The date of the gig coincided with the mournings in connection with the catastrophe of flight Tu-154 of "Pulkovskij Airline", which crashed over Donetsk the day before. This tragedy, emphasizes the press-release of the company, did not bother the manager of the group Leonid Shlyakhover to demand the money from "Kreml Concert" for the planned gig.
As an answer to the categorical disagreement with the concert organizer of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Nikolai Zhadanov, to fulfil this demand, the director of the group cancelled the whole far-eastern tour, and fixed the penalty for "Kreml Concert" at the amount of 20.000 euro. The organizers refused to transfer the money in advance for all of the following concerts of the tour, because they didn"t want to get into debt - according to their data the tickets for Tatu in the Russian cities were distributed with great set-backs.
"Even after the concert in Sochi the losses were 22.000 euro. In Samara the stadium was half empty, but strangely a large number of tickets was reported to be sold. Such a situation arose on the whole following route of the group." Moreover, "Kreml Concert" appeals to other organizers of concerts to take risks and organize a concert of the group Tatu in their city. "We proclaim a contest for the most broke organizer of concerts of the group Tatu. Mandatory condition for the contest - a photograph of Tatu infront of a half empty stadium. The prize of 1.000 euro will get, whose losses of the concert, unclaimed in Russia by the group, turned out to be the biggest." explained the press-release.
The management of Tatu has a completely opposite view of the prevalent situation. As the press-attache of the group Zhenya Voevodina told to the correspondent of Intermedia, the management terminated the contract, because "Kreml Concert" did not fulfil their financial obligations. "We cannot continue to cooperate with a partner, who breaks the contract." According to Voevodina the updated tour plan will be published very soon. Tatu have already reached an agreement with a new promoter who will take on the responsibility for the organization of the tour of the group through Russia."Luckily we found a company, who intends to sort out the mess, which was caused by the president of "Kreml concert" Sergej Lavrov." explained Zhenya Voevodina. The amount of concerts of the Tatu tour will be reduced, but not much, according to the prognosis of the press-attache.
Source: NEWSmusic.ru
15.09.2006 - Tatu to perform in Korea for the first time!
Big Russian culture festival is being held in Seoul in September. The best of our county's contemporary culture will be presented to Korea: Russian ballet, art exhibition of impressionists, opera performance of "Lady Macbeth of The Mtsensk District" and... the most successful Russian pop-project!September, 19 Tatu will give their first-ever concert at Olympic Hall.
September, 17 at 11:10 AM Julia and Lena are arriving in Seoul. Tatu, dubbed "Russian Beatles", will stay in famous Ritz-Carlton Hotel.
Best magazines and TV-channels are getting ready to have interviews with Tatu Lena and Julia are going to talk to GQ, Marie Claire, MTV and the biggest Korean media . Also Tatu will share impressions with TV-crews from Russian TV ( "Russia", NTV, TVC, "Kultura" )
16.09.2006 - Taiwan TV Special The Best

16.09.2006 - New "Dangerous and Moving" tour schedule!
August, 4 - Sochi
September, 2 - Samara
September, 9 - Kaliningrad
October, 2 - Kazan
October, 22 - Krasnodar
October, 23 - Rostov-na-Donu
October, 25 - Lipetsk
October, 27 - Nizhny Novgorod
October, 30 - Perm
October, 31 - Kirov
November, 2 - Yekaterinburg
November, 5 - Volgograd
November, 7 - Ufa
November, 9 - Surgut
November, 11 - Omsk
November, 12 - Novosibirsk
November, 14 - Novokuznetsk
November, 19 - Yaroslavl
Note that changes in dates and cities may occur.
Source: Official Site
17.09.2006 - Tatu will tour Ukraine
Group Tatu will visit Ukraine as a part of their Dangerous nad Moving Tour across Russia and former Soviet republics. The tour began this August.
The Ukrainian part of the tour is planned for October. The schedule includes Odessa (for October, 10, Kiev (October, 12), Dnepropetrovsk (October, 14), Kharkov (October, 17). The venues booked for the shows are of a respectable size - Sports Arenas.
A one and a half hour gig will include songs from Tatu's new album "Dangerous and Moving" (Ludi-Invalidi, All About Us, Friend Or Foe, Obezianka-Nol). Besides that the programme of the show will include Tatu's great old hits (All The Things She Said, Not Gonna Get Us, Ne Ver Ne Boisya Ne Prosi, Show Me Love). The live show will carry advanced light- and pyrotechnical effects.
18.09.2006 - Tatu won't participate at MTV RMA 2006 and will start their own record label
A press conference with Tatu took part at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Seoul, where Tatu are invited to perform at the Festival "Russian Nights in Seoul". The press conference was carried for Russian media only so the questions were of a specific character. The journalists were mainly interested in the business aspects of Tatu's – their relations with the group's former producer Ivan Shapovalov and breaking up with Universal Music International. The last question caused rather an emotional reaction of Yulia Volkova, who easily convinced the journalists that Universal had already made huge money on the group and "now it was the end of it". She said that now the group will work independently but "with the same management and with the same sponsor". To the question of the InterMedia reporter to tell the names of the persons, Yulia answered, "they are all known, so I won't tell". An additional detail of the relationship between the group and its partners was the announcement that the group has no intention to take part in the MTV Russian Music Awards 2006 in St. Petersburg: "We weren't asked to perform. We are not interested in sitting there as extras". It became clear that the nearest plan of the group is starting its own record label, which will manage all business of the group. As for the gig in Seoul, the Korean audience will see the same set of the gig as Tatu had already shown during the past months in Russia and abroad.
Source: TatySite.net (by materials of InterMedia)
19.09.2006 - Korea Airport

19.09.2006 - Live in Concert at The Olympic Hall in Seoul

21.09.2006 - Russia Music Awards, Ice Palace in St. Petersburg
MTV Russia Music Awards took place at the Ice Palace Arena in St. Petersburg yesterday.
Tatu was nominated in five categories: Best Group, Best Pop-Project, Best Song (All About Us), Best Video (All About Us) and Artist of the Year. As a result, Tatu-girls were given one stripy matrioshka for winning nomination Best Video with their video to the song All About Us. Yulia and Lena weren't present at the ceremony. "We weren't asked to perform. We are not interested in sitting there as extras" - said Yulia at the press-conference in Seoul.
The complete list of the winners can be viewed at the official site of the Awards.

Best Artist > Watch | Download
Best Song > Watch | Download
Best Video > Watch | Download
30.09.2006 - "GQ" Person of the Year on CTC TV channel
On September 22, "GQ" magazine annual Awards "Person of the Year" took place in the Theatre of Mossovet (Moscow, Russia). Yulia and Lena won the nomination "Woman of the Year".
Tatu-gils got everything prepared for the ceremony. Lena wore a strict suit and Julia - a romantic silk dress. They looked very feminine. The TV version of the Awards will be aired on October, 8 at 22.00 (CET) on CTC channel.
Source: TatySite.net
30.09.2006 - 100 questions to an adult
This Saturday (September, 30) Tatu will take part in a show "100 questions to an adult" on TVC.
The show doesn't take up certain topics but the main guest of the show, which has - so to say - to enter "the lion's cage". The teenage audience will face not an easy task - to make a celebrity to open herself/himself in front of the TV audience. The show startws at 10.55 (CET).
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02.10.2006 - Autograph Session Kazan, "SOYUZ" Store

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04.10.2006 - Autograph Session Nizhni Novgorod, "SOYUZ" Store
05.10.2006 - "Dangerous and Moving" tour dates changed again
In our post-soviet music industry organizing concerts, the ones that are big and live – is the hardest case. Tatu are doing their best to tour all major cities in Russia and Ukraine, where many thousands of our fans live.
Few world recognized artists are on tour in our country in many cities - cities other than Moscow and St. Petersburg. Tatu is the only exception, because it is the only internationally acknowledged pop-rock band from Russia. Even shows in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev are not organized smoothly. To name a couple recent ones, remember many venue changes of Madonna gig in Moscow, Roger Waters' show cancelled in Kiev… It's the promoter, not the artist, who holds responsibility for this. In smaller cities there are usually more troubles.
Do not forget that Tatu are not just Julia, Lena and musicians. It's also many people unseen for the audience, tons of things that a big live gig can't do without, a lot of difficult logistics that needs to be done on the highest level (do not believe the lies about full playback; those, who say them, do it either out of spite, or because they fail to hear live music – many hear it very rarely…) All the expensive sound systems we need can't always be transported to remote cities. Faery light at Tatu show, designed by Marc Brickman, Pink Floyd's light designer, needs advanced equipment that is also not available everywhere. Our show requires a costly and professionally run advertising campaign, substituted by some promoters with just several billboards on the skirts of the town (afterwards such promoters blame the artsist for the poor ticket sales).
All the above factors can't be fully controlled by the artist - or controlled at all.
Some will hardly believe it, but Tatu's Russian-Ukranian tour is absolutely not a question of money, but a question of respect towards fans and people coming to our shows, whose shining eyes we've seen on the previous tour shows and wait - at the coming ones. Probably, the easiest thing that could have been done is just a tour cancellation. The "torn" business card of the unprofessional promoter could have been the end of the story. But if Tatu does so, it will no longer be Tatu. Changes in dates and cities is the result of the changing and hard-to-predict circumstances that accompany tour organization in the "zone of risky agriculture" (read: the entertainment industry). Even now, when we've changed tour dates for the third time, we are not sure if it's final.
We are risking Tatu's reputation, but we really want to come to your cities, guys. Please, check the tour schedule at official site. It is 100% confirmed information. And don't believe rumors and lies.
New "Dangerous and Moving" tour schedule:
August, 4 - Sochi
September, 2 - Samara
September, 9 - Kaliningrad
October, 2 - Kazan
October, 12 - Kiev
October, 14 - Dnepropetrovsk
October, 30 - Perm
October, 31 - Kirov
November, 2 - Ekaterinburg
November, 5 - Volgograd
November, 7 - Ufa
November, 9 - Surgut
November, 11 - unconfirmed city
November, 12 - Novosibirsk
November, 14 - Novokuznetsk
November, 16 - Krasnoyarsk
November, 19 - Yaroslavl
05.10.2006 - Release of the Truth DVD risks to be off
Release of the Truth DVD planned for October, 20 is under the danger to be off. It became known now that the DVD of live recording from the gig in St. Petersburg won't be released on time.
As Japanese side informs the release has been postponed. The new release dates are being discussed with the Russian management of the group. Neformat Japan doesn't give up plans to release this DVD but it can't give any guarantees that it would happen this year. Meanwhile, as fans report, the majority of on-line stores cancelled preorder of the DVD and deleted information on it from their sites.
Source: TatySite.net
08.10.2006 - GQ Awards

MTV Newsblok
10.10.2006 - One of the major MTV Awards of Tatu's is out for sale on eBay
On September, 2001 Tatu received an award at MTV Video Music Awards in the nomination Viewers Choice - Best Russian Video at Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. They won this award for their video Ya Soshla S Uma (Russian version of their very first hit All The Things She Said).
Later on the statue "Moonman" was stolen from the office of Tatu's former producer Ivan Shapovalov. The statue has been circulating for sale in Moscow for some time at a price of $1000. Tatu's management was aware of this fact but somehow didn't consider any actions in order to bring the award back where it belongs.
Now, "Moonman" popped up at the American on-line market eBay. The bidding price is $5300. To the question, "Why is it so expensive", the anonymous seller said that in reality this award is priceless.
Source: TatySite.net
11.10.2006 - Russkoe Radio, Ukraine

11.10.2006 - Kiev, Ukraine

12.10.2006 - Tatu to perform in Vilnius
On December the 14th, Tatu is scheduled to give a gig in Vilnius (Lithuania) as a part of their international tour "Dangerous and Moving". The gig will take place at Siemens Arena. Which has a capacity of 12 000.
Tickets will be out for sale on October, 20 at a price of 70-150Lt.
During the first day of the tickets sale first 2000 tickets for the fanzone area will be out for 50Lt.
The fans are allowed to bring amateur photo cameras.
The gig begins at 20.00
We are tatu greeting 2006

14.10.2006 - Concert in Dnepropetrovsk Kiev Sports Palace

19.10.2006 - New changes in "Dangerous and Moving" tour
August, 4 - Sochi
September, 2 - Samara
September, 9 - Kaliningrad
October, 2 - Kazan
October, 12 - Kiev
October, 14 - Dnepropetrovsk
October, 30 - Perm
October, 31 - Kirov
November, 2 - Ekaterinburg
November, 5 - Volgograd
November, 7 - Ufa
November, 9 - Surgut
November, 12 - Novosibirsk
November, 14 - Irkutsk
November, 16 - Erevan
November, 19 - Yaroslavl
October 2006 - GQ Magazine

Photoshoot for GQ Magazine
22.10.2006 - Arrive in Paris, France

20.10.2006 - Chat in Label Studio - France 2006
An exclusive chat with Tatu. On Monday, October 23, you can chat live with Tatu. The action is a part of a promo-campaign of Tatu's The Best album, which will be conducted by Label Studio in affiliation with Universal Music France. All fans are very welcome to ask Tatu their questions.
The chat is scheduled for 18.00 CET, on Monday, October 23 at Label Studio.
22.10.2006 - Paris Hotel

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25.10.2006 - Tatu's "The Best" Debuts at Number 1 in Taiwan
Tatu's new CD, released on September 11th, featuring all their biggest hits & 3 previously unreleased tracks, has debuted at number one in the Taiwanese charts. The CD which has also been very successful in Mexico, having reached number five, contains a DVD featuring a live concert from G-A-Y in Paris and all the music videos from their greatest hits!
Source: Interscope Records
27.10.2006 - Tatu to shoot a movie
Just after the New Year - in January 2007, Tatu plan to start shooting their own movie. "The script has been already written and now some questions on shooting are being considered.", admitted Yulia. - "The director will be from America. I won’t tell the name. It's still a secret."
The movie will tell us the story of Tatu's and a love story between two girls. "The movie will be about two girls that meet at one of our gigs and have a romantic story. The movie is also about their emotions, about their feelings.", told Yulia during Tatu's promotional visit to Paris this week.
The script is based on a novel "Tatu come back" by a deputy of the Russian Parliament - Alexey Mitrofanov.
Source: TatySite.net
31.10.2006 - Tatu team headed for Kirov and Ekaterinburg
About an hour ago Julia, Lena and all Tatu team headed for Kirov and Ekaterinburg!
Tatu will arrive in the city early in the morning and go to "Tsentralnaya" Hotel to rest and to get ready for the day’s events:
2 PM – Signing session ("Kolisei Audio-Photo-Video")

3 PM – Live interview at "Europa Plus Kirov" Radio (Lenin Street, 20)

3:30 PM – Press Conference
31.10.2006 - Concert in Kirov

01.11.2006- In the afternoon Tatu are leaving for Ekaterinburg.
01.11.2006- In the afternoon Tatu are leaving for Ekaterinburg.
02.11.2006 Tatu will stay at "Voznesensky" Hotel
At 3 PM Lena and Julia will appear live at "Radio SK" and "Pilot" Radio, and at 4 PM the will be the special guests at MTV (live broadcast). 8 PM – Show
02.11.2006 - Concert in Ekaterinburg

04.11.2006 - Closer to the stars
November, 4 at 9 PM (Moscow time), when Tatu will be on their way to Volgograd, next D&M tour city, Muz-TV channel (Russia) will air their show "Closer to the Stars" about Tatu fans.

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05.11.2012 - Autograph Session Chelyabinsk, "SOYUZ" Store
05.11.2012 - Autograph Session Ufa, "SOYUZ" Store
05.11.2012 - Autograph Session Ufa, "SOYUZ" Store
05.11.2006 - Concert in Volgograd, Russia

07.11.2006 - Concert in Ufa, Russia

07.11.2006 - Press Conference in Ufa

07.11.2006 - Concert in Surgut, Russia

09.11.2006 - Tour in Russia: Tatu in Surgut
Today, November, 9 at 4 PM Lena and Julia will be the guests of "Europa Plus - Surgut" radio (102,5 FM), and at 6 PM, after the sound-check, Tatu will hold press-conference at the venue. Show starts 8 PM.
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10.11.2006- Concert in Moscow B1 Club

12.11.2006 - Novosibirsk, Russia

12.11.2006 - Press connference Novosibirsk

12.11.2006 Tour in Russia: Tatu in Novosibirsk
In Novosibirsk Tatu team is staying at River Park Hotel. Today Lena and Julia will give interviews to MTV-Novosibirsk and "Komsomolskaya Pravda" newspaper, and tomorrow November, 12, an hour before the sound check, Tatu will have a talk with journalists at a press-conference. In the evening, after the show, Tatu are catching the train to Irkutsk, where November, 16 another show of the D&M tour takes place.
Source: Official Site
13.11.2006 - MuzTV Odnogo Polia Yagody

14.11.2006 - Press Conference in Irkutsk

14.11.2006 - Concert in Irkutsk Club "Megapolis"
Tomorrow morning, after a-36-hour train trip, Tatu arrive in Irkutsk. The team will stay at the "Irkutsk" hotel.
At 6 PM, after sound check, Tatu will hold a short press-conference at the venue. Club: "Megapolis". Capacity: 2000 people, Show starts: 8 PM
16.11.2006 - Arrive to Erevan (Armenia)
16.11.2006 - Concert in Erevan

19.11.2006 - Press Conference at Ai Store in Yaroslavl

19.11.2006 - Concert in Yaroslavl, Russia

Press Conference in Chisinau (Moldova)- 20.12.2006

21.11.2006 - Russian disabled people sue pop idols Tatu over song title
An ombudsman in Russia's northern province of Komi is set to sue the pop group Tatu as he seeks compensation for damage allegedly inflicted on the disabled by the duo who have titled one of their songs "Lyudi Invalidy" or "Invalid People".
According to a report by the KomiOnline web site the move had been initiated by the Disabled People Society from the Komi capital city Syktyvkar. Representatives of the society hold that the song title can be construed as a public insult from both the pop group members and their producer.
The ombudsman said the defendants could also face criminal charges for libel. But even if the court refuses to uphold libel charges against Tatu the singers will have to compensate society for moral damages, he said.
Source: MosNews
21.11.2006 - NTV The Invalids Had Sued

25.11.2006 - "Accident" program on NTV Channel with Tatu
November, 26 (Sunday) at 8:20 PM "Accident" program on NTV Channel will show full version of the report about the situation around Tatu's CD "Ludi Invalidi" (English version "Dangerous and Moving"), which title was for some reason misinterpreted by the human rights representative of Komi Republic.
Source: Official Site
Friendship Award Interview 2006 Interview

29.11.2006 - Tatu will perform in Prado cafe (Moscow)
On December 5, the most sophisticated club of the Russian capital - Prado cafe celebrates it's second anniversary. It was decided to celebrate such a significant date by unprecedented event - the first Moscow club concert of an infamous duet Tatu The event supporter is the Russian Diamond company.
The girly group with the mysterious name Tatu which creativity is inextricably related with provocation and indignation of public opinion, will perform for the first time in a Moscow club. Events similar to these occur in capital not every day. The star duet promises to act in rather unusual to them role.
This time, known hits in classical interpretation will be offered to respectable public. Tatu promises to perform in an unusual for them form - with a string quartet of a known orchestra.
According to the plan of the organizers, it was a rather courageous step to pursuit such classical interpretation of the infamous for the whole world creativity of Tatu's, especially, to involve in all this, the musicians from an orchestra with 25 years history. On the other hand, it was extremely important, once again, to confirm reputation of one of the best clubs of Moscow which celebrates 2 years of its existence, by giving such an impossible until today concert as a classical interpretation of Tatu Imagine what will happen when the club will celebrate its 25th anniversary.
Source: km.ru
Translated by TatySite.net
29.11.2006 - Disabled vs Tatu - the story goes on
In the light of the latest charges pressed by disabled Russian people against group Tatu, its management released on official site the following statement:
"We've been waiting for this for more than a year, and it has finally happened... Ludi invalidi reacted to our call and made us be sure they exist. Now people can see a fine-quality living illustration to our metaphor and learn about the reflexes of real Ludi invalidi. Hey, you skeptics, who kept telling us that album's concept was far-fetched and "out of thin air" - don't miss the show called "Ludi invalidi vs Tatu" We are drawing the fire upon ourselves - and doing it for you, people.
This is what we call "the power of art".
Let Ludi invalidi mess with flies and hamburgers. We prefer to separate the husk from the grain."
Source: TatySite.net
03.12.3006 - Fun People Interview

05.12.2006 - Concert in Prado Cafe, Moscow
Late at night, December 5th the Tatugirls performed on the birthday party of the famous fancy restaurant on the center of Moscow. After the guests filled the place from wall to wall, the girls, who's concert was awaited by everybody showed up to the public.
The Tatugirls needed a great effort to get to the stage, even with company of their guards that lead them through the partying friends of the place. Besides, the covered by black coats girls were hard to recognize. Yulia and Lena took off the coats only on the stage, which probably were needed to make them look mysterious.
Yulia, who got used to shocking the public looked properly for this cause: Bright red corset, stockings in a grid and almost non-existed skirt, that could be easily taken as a belt. During the performance the girl jumped up, and the skirt was rising to reveal the girls black underwear.
Lena, as usual, looked much more modest than her friend. The girl wore jeans and top.
Tatu performed only 5 songs. During this mini-concert they didn't forget their lesbian legend that already became old. The girls kept hugging all the concert, and even shared one shy kiss. The kiss lasted less than a second.
While leaving the stage, the girls showed once again that they don't have complexes. Yulia and Lena took off their high heels that they jumped on during half an hour. Lena walked barefoot on the dirty floor to the restroom, and Yulia was carried away by one of the guards.
Source: Dni.ru
Translated by Ev
Perform during the party of the company PIK [December 2006]

06.12.2006 - MTV Newsblock

09.12.2006 - Pesnya Goda (Song of the Year) Olympyisky Arena, Moscow
Tatu are opening "Song Of the Year" Music Festival
Tatu are opening "Song Of the Year" Music Festival that takes place today at "Olympyisky" Arena (Moscow). The festival will be aired January 1-3, 2007 on "Rossiya" Channel (Russia).

13.12.2006 - ORT Pust Govoriat (Let them talk)

14.12.2006 - Arrive in Lithuania

07.11.2006 - Press Conference in Lithuania

14.12.2006 - Concert in Lithuania

Nuo Interview

17.12.2006 - Mados Reidas

17.12.2006 - Savaites komentarai

20.12.2006 - Arrive in Moldova
20.12.2006 - Concert in Chisinau Moldova, People Club

26.12.2006 Interview Public TV le retour, France

26.12.2006 Interview Public TV le retour, France

France Airport
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28.12.2006 - MuzTV The Greatest Moments of 2003

MUZ TV Reklama 2006

NTV Today (Mitrofanov) 2006

30.12.2006 - Tatu will release a new album in the new year
In January, the group Tatu will go to Los Angeles to record a new album. Part of the recording may possibly take place in London. The release of the album is planned for the beginning of autumn, after this Tatu will go on promo-tour and give perfomances. The duo is not planning large-scale concert tours in 2007, even though separate performances are nevertheless possible.
Source: InterMedia