07.02.2005 - Group t.A.T.u. is in Los Angeles to record their second album
Group t.A.T.u. is in Los Angeles to record their second album. This album will be released worldwide this year by Interscope label. As of today Yulia and Lena have recorded four new songs in English. A total of 15 songs are ready to be recorded for the international album as well as 9 more Russian versions of these songs for the Russian album. At least 2 songs - "Vsya Moya Lyubov" and "Obezyanka-nol" - will be released on the international album in their original Russian version. Yulia and Lena will stay to work at the studios in Los Angeles for about a month, then the first single will be chosen among the recorded songs and a new video will be shot.
20.03.2005 - Tatu has recorded a song with Trevor Horn
Famous British producer Trevor Horn, who has taken part in the recording of the international version of the group’s second album had written a new song for the group. It’s called "Craving" and the song was recently recorded in LA. Despite of some media rumours Trevor Horn isn’t a new producer for the second album. Most of the tracks on the album are produced by Serguey Galoyan, who wrote practically all songs produced by him for Tatu.
23.03.2005 - Yulia is taking extensive vocal lessons in Los Angeles
During the past two months Yulia takes nearly every day lessons from one of the best vocal coaches – Ron Anderson, who is considered to be nearly national treasure of America in this sphere. During his time, Ron helped many international stars as Justin Timberlake, Kylie Minoque, Bjork, Gun’s Roses, Soundgarden, P.O.D. and other artists to overcome different vocal problems. Now he’s teaching Yulia a new correct technique of singing, which allows her to record her "screming" vocal parts without damaging her vocal cords. With all this, Yulia’s voice got a new sound, her personal charisma got brighter and the result can be heard in the new songs.
24.03.2005 - Tatu have recorded one more song for their 2nd album - "Vsya Moya Lubov" (All My Love)
Today, Tatu recorded "Vsya Moya Lubov", which will be compiled to the international version of the album. Tatu considered the lyrics written by Valery Polienko being so unique that they decided not to translate them into English, so the song on the album will be only in Russian. The recording is done at the most prestigious studios of Los Angeles – Village, which had been attended several times by Beatles and where a whole row of international acts had their recording sessions – from The Rolling Stones and The Doors to Marylin Manson, Madonna and Limp Bizkit.
28.03.2005 - Tatu-girl has lost her voice
The singer of the scandalous duo Tatu Yulia Volkova recently lost her voice. That's not the first time. The thing is that Yulia has often to almost scream the lyrics of the songs out and the vocal cords don’t hold the tension. During the recording of the song "Vsya Moya Lubov", Yulia had literally to scream a few parts in a row, as "Zhizn" reports. After that, the girl almost lost her voice and that could jeopardise the recording of the second album. Producer of the group Boris Rensky had to ask for help his friends in the Village Studios. Rensky was recommended to take Yulia to one of the best voice coaches Ron Anderson, who had worked with Kylie Minoug and Bjork, and lately is working with the famous artist Justin Timberlake. Anderson has set up a special programme for Yulia. During the nearest two months, Yulia will be doing special exercises, that should help her to get her vocal cords recovered.
31.03.2005 - Universal Music Russia will continue to work with Tatu
As we have already informed, Tatu is recording their second album in Los Angeles. The girls are working at their vocal parts in the newly equipped vocal booth of the former Keb'Mo studio of the The Village Studios, which lies in the Massonic Temple in west Los Angeles.
Except the song-writing team Galoyan-Polienko-Horn, Dennis Ingoldsby appointed as the group's producer. He is known to the Russian audience as the manager and producer of Alsou's.
According to our sources, Universal Music Russia was not only closely involved in choosing the material for the group's second album but is currently considering the songs for their third album. Meantime, it's known that apart from Alexandra Tityanko, Martyn-Martan has been invited to take care of marketing and PR of the second album. Upon the agreement with Neformat, all PR and marketing questions will be supervised by the head of Universal Music Russia – David Junk.
26.04.2005 - Tatu blew the recording of their new album
Scandalously known group Tatu have been trying to record their second album for several years now after the success of their debut album 200km/h In A Wrong Lane. These attempts led to nothing. First the group changed the producer, after Tatu-girl Yulia was off due to the child birth and finally two girls got into a quarrel. We’ll remind that the group’s former producer Ivan Shapovalov was going to turn the recording of the second album into a grand reality show. Specially for this, he rented the penthouse of the Peking Hotel, equipped it to make a recording studio and threw a call all over the country with the hopes to find unknown talented authors that could write material for the album. This idea suffered a huge failure. Tatu-girls got tired of their weird producer and they decided to break the contract. Besides, Ivan persuaded Yulia to nearly scream out her vocal parts and Yulia’s vocal cords began to crack. After the girls left Shapovalov, there were rumours that Filip Kirkorov would take care of the girls’ career. This information wasn’t confirmed and Boris Rensly became the group’s new producer. These administrative changes didn’t help the group to record the long awaited second album. Yulia decided to have a child with her boyfriend Pasha Sidorov and left the career to accomplish this. The doctors prohibited future mother to work in a studio during the pregnancy and the recording of the second album was postponed for an indefinite time. After the child had been born, Yulia tried to come back to show business. Reunited duo performed at the charity gala in London where Tatu even met Prince Charles. After that, the girls left for America to record their second album.
Recently we’ve got the information that the recording of the album failed. Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina had to urgently leave for Moscow, as Zhizn reports. It turned out that the reason for this return is a quarrel between the girls where the producers couldn’t help to bring the girls to any agreement. Yulia and Lena couldn’t agree on who would sing the leading parts in the new songs. Boris Rensky wanted Yulia to sing them but Yulia was still having her vocal problems and couldn’t manage to sing. Lena Katina suggested to put Yulia on backing and to let herself sing the leading parts.
As a result, this conflict remained unsolved and both girls had to return home with nothing.
27.04.2005 - Tatu came home to see their families
Group Tatu took a two weeks break from recording their second album. Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina returned from LA to Moscow to take a short break and to visit their parents. Soon they will return to LA again to continue to work on the second album which is planned to be released at the end of this year.
28.04.2005 - The deputy courts the tatugirl
The singer of scandalous duet TATU, Yulia Volkova, recently visited the party on the occasion of the presentation of new women’s journal. The deputy of the State Duma, Alexey Mitrofanov, paid his attention to her. Alexey Valentinovich kissed the girl and invited her to take a seat at his table, writes the newspaper "Zhizn". Discussing with Yulia the last news, the deputy suggested the girl to spend the evening with him. "Will you make a company to me today? Let me order fruit to you? Maybe you want wine or something sweet?"- asked Mitrofanov. Volkova dismissed him respectfully and told him about the last trip to the USA, where TATU tried to record an album. "We spent more than a month in L.A., recording the album, acquiring a tan, and Lena even became one big freckle", - told Yulia. However it was too boring with Mitrofanov to Yulia, that's why she spent the rest of the evening with young man, Anton.
05.05.2005 - "People - Invalids" - is the new title for the Tatu's upcoming album
"People - invalids" is not only the name of one of the tracks of Tatu's new album, but also ... the name of album in itself, which was recently selected by the group. "People - invalids" will not simply be the provocative album of two disobedient teen-agers that were not afraid of the words of truth, and true but sometimes momentarily emotions (as it was in the previous album). Yulia and Lena grew instantly up and they understood a lot - about themselves, and about the world around them. It turned out that there are so many things around those we could be related to and not only to be observed then from a distance, as many people do through their entire life. Those things are wanted to be sung about, not only this - they need to be sung of! Tatu will sing about such things in their new album "Person- invalids". There's about a three-weeks studio work remains on the second album. Track lists for the Russian and English-language versions of album are finished to 90%. They will considerably differ from each other, which depends on the translation of songs into English and vice versa.
Album is interesting, fresh, "tasty" and a lot different from the previous Tatu work.
Now, Yulia and Lena are fine finishing the material of the album. Note lines and track lists for the albums will be worked on in the beginning of June. The release of album, as we know, is planned for the nearest autumn. From the moment of the beginning of album recording - on 17 January - there have more than three months passed, and during this time The Village studio became for Yulia and Lena their second home apart from hotel Fairmont Miramar, Santa Monica. Unfortunately, the king-size bed in the studio is absent, and it's a pity: singers gave 100% of themselves in the studio, and sometimes there was no more power left to reach the hotel room. By the way, in spite of the fact that Yulia and Lena have a full right to live in separate rooms, they ignore it and prefer to stay together.
They are friends. They support each other, although their free time shcedules are different. Lena spends her free time in the company of the greatest (i.e. – she reads books), and Yulia in the company of her American friends and recently bought Macintosh Power-book - fellow of all creative souls of the world. All mortal users of the Windows platform are left with their envy: Yulia uses all advantages of the progressive Mac platform, which is quick, classy, bugs-free. Now the pulse of the world is under her fingertips 24/7 - as Americans say. The most stressful stage of the recording is already behind, therefore a pair of weeks ago, Tatu made a one-week break in their "American" life and dove in the Moscow spring. In spite of a cosmopolitic charachter of their artistry, the girls miss Moscow, which remains the dearest city for them. Yulia flew back to LA already on April, 27, while Lena joined her several days later. It is necessary to finish the recording. Fans are waiting for the album!
P.S. Now, when their schedule is not that crazy, the girls remembered of the diaries. Read soon the impressions from the recording of the new album!
21.05.2005 - The work in a recording studio should be over in 10 days on June 1

The end is near. The instrumental part of the new album is now fully complete. The vocal part is complete for 7 songs. Recording of "Obezianka-Nol" (Monkey-Zero) took the longest time. The work in a recording studio should be over in 10 days on June 1. Then, there'll be three weeks of mastering and the new album "Lyudi Invalidy" will be ready. Yesterday was one of those days when girls worked till midnight. Apparently, it's hard to find a decent place to eat after 11 pm in Los Angeles - those are the laws in California, the main show-business state of America. But Yulia and her friends managed to find a good Italian pizzeria where they enjoyed a delicious meal for the first time since long ago. Working on the album did not only changed daily schedule but also affected the team's gastronomic habits. There is a suspicion that nearby fast food places and sushi restaurants have improved their business by providing recording artists (at the Village Studios) with hamburgers, California rolls and miso soup. At least this was regular meals for Tatu.
22.05.2005 - Tatu infected Russia with rock
Eurovision Song Contest took place in Kiev this week. During the evaluation of the Russian entrant Natalia Podolskaya, who sang "Nobody Hurt No One" at the contest, Western press pointed out a clear rock trend of the Russian music of this format. This trend, to their opinion, was initiated by group Tatu, which presented their non-conventional for Eurovision song "Ne Ver, Ne Boisya, Ne Prosi" in Riga 2003. This song was considered to be the launch pad for the followers to enter the contest with less conservative compositions. According to the majority of the Eurovision Contest experts, the contest experiences transformation towards more progressive music. This is considered to be the last life-straw for this utterly conservative event.
02.06.2005 - Tatu will perform on National Music Awards MUZ-TV 2005
Tatu are participants of the Third Annual National Music Awards MUZ-TV 2005, which will take place at "Olympiyskiy" Arena on June 3, 2005. All the spring Moscow was flooded by intriguing promo-posters with the Award's biggest news: "Tatu are coming back". Lena and Yulia took a several-days break from the album-recording exclusively for the show. Yesterday they landed in Moscow. The long expected duo's come-back will start with a new song - at the ceremony Yulya and Lena will sing "Obezyanka-Nol", a song from the track-list of the almost recorded album "Ludi-Invalidi". After the Award t.A.T.u. are staying at the capital, but only for a few days. A new work is waiting for them in Los-Angeles. The girls want to take personal part in the work on album's mastering.
05.06.2005 - Tatu have returned!
On June 3, 2005, the most significant event in the Russian show business took place in Olympiysky Arena – a ceremony of the third annual National Muz-TV Awards. This ceremony is considered to be the most distinguished award in the Russian pop-music. This event is long awaited not only by professionals but by the wide Russian TV audience too. This year, Tatu weren't among the nominees but they were invited as special guest artists and appeared as the main intrigue of the show. Everyone was waiting for Tatu's come back and it happened! Lena and Yulia presented to the audience their new song Obezianka-Nol, which raised a huge interest and a vivid discussion among their fans. Apart from it, the audience was granted with a new instrumental remix of All The Things She Said. According to the official sources, Lena and Yulia had initially planned to perform two new compositions at the ceremony - Obezianka-Nol and Lyudi-Invalidy but it appeared that the latter one hasn't been recorded yet. The girls are returning to Los Angeles soon to complete the recording of their new album.
Check our constantly updated forum for performances and songs samples!
06.06.2005 - Tatu surprised the journalists again
Having had performed at the National Muz-Tv 2005 Awards ceremony, group Tatu, as they had promised, prepared a surprise. Russian media paid this time special attention to not only the unique lyrics of Obezyanka-Nol' song but the chosen scene outfits too. National Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda declared, that the female singers were worth to be watched rather than to be listened to. Unluckily, they had to state that even striptease didn't help Tatu. Another on-line edition Dni.ru was close to loose its mind because of the song. "…grandmas climbed down the attached to the tower stairs and began to sing a song… no, you won't believe this… I swear! I don't lie! A song about the MONKEYS!" – wrote the accredited for the ceremony journalist, where she added, "I thought, I was loosing my mind." Despite the fact that Russian media was enough critical towards the performance of the most famous outside the country Russian group, many fans appreciated their favourite artists coming back on a big stage.
11.06.2005 - The secret of song Lyudi-Invalidy has been revealed
The appeared on the Internet demo version of supposedly new t.A.T.u. song Lyudi-Invalidy caused bewilderment among fans and gave reasons for newspapers to announce that the song had already leaked out. Fans have still been in a sort of confusion after having had listened to the leaked demo version because the vocal parts were hardly sung by t.A.T.u. The situation could remain unclear if the official t.A.T.u. representatives didn't announce that the title of the new album would be Lyudi-Invalidy, which has been under recording at The Village Studios in Los Angeles for several months now. To the question, whether the demo track had anything to do with the new t.A.T.u album, the administration of the group's official site said "No" – it was only a unique coincidence. A unique coincidence could without any doubt occur if we were speaking about such titles as All My Love or My Love, or anything totally common and trivial. As we all know, there's no smoke without fire. After an investigation with the help of close to the group sources we could state that the demo track had a direct connection to the second album of t.A.T.u. The final version of the song can, of course, undergo some changes. Both lyrics and arrangements can be polished and altered as it often happens at final stages of track recording and mastering; but the demo is the track which was brought by t.A.T.u. to Los Angeles. A few details around the text could be interesting too. The original lyrics honour bombing of Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki and speak about people who suffered from radiation. The song is written in a typical t.A.T.u style, where it's possible to give more than one interpretation of its contents.
15.06.2005 - The Tatu girls will reunite once again
Having arrived in Moscow two weeks ago, Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina managed to accomplish a whole deal of work in their home land. Their appearance on the Muz-TV Awards set off a chain of sensational articles in the Russian press. Nevertheless, the duo has no time to enjoy the summer sun; they still must complete at least one more round of recording sessions. As we have already mentioned, the Russian version of their second album Lyudi-Invalidy is yet to be finished. That was the reason which brought Lena Katina back to Los Angeles, having left the second half of the duo in Moscow, so that Yulia could spend a few more days with her lovely daughter. To her greatest disappointment, the approximate dates of the album release have forced Yulia to leave her family again. The tickets for the Moscow-LA flight are dated for tomorrow (June, 15). Thus tomorrow, Tatu will reunite once more on American soil.
17.06.2005 - Sting took part in the recording of TATU new album Dangerous and Moving
International superstar and renown instrumentalist Sting played the bass-guitar part on the song "Friend or Foe" that will appear on the forthcoming TATU album "Dangerous and Moving." Martin Kierszenbaum, TATU's A&R representative at Interscope and co-producer of the song with Robert Orton, shared details from the exclusive recording session. Martin and Sting are old friends. Martin called Sting from Los-Angeles several weeks ago. At that moment the musician was performing in Chicago as a part of his American tour. Martin asked if Sting would play bass on "Friend or Foe," a song Martin had written with Dave Stewart (from The Eurythmics) . Stings replied that he really enjoyed TATU's first album. He asked to hear the song and added that he would be happy to play. The recording session took place in New York several days later when Sting was in town to perform a concert. He met Martin at the music studio. Sting made the atmosphere of the entire recording session fun and casual. He came to the studio only with the bass guitar hanging on his shoulder, listened to the "Friend or Foe" and played the bass-guitar part straight off. Sting's part drove and enhanced the song as well as fitted perfectly with Julia's and Lena's exciting vocal performances on the track. For the track, Sting used his legendary Fender P-bass with which he's recorded since his days with The Police. After recording the part, Sting smiled and laughed "That was fun."
18.06.2005 - Tatu don't need fans any more
Last night, official representatives of group Tatu on the internet resigned from their positions. The story goes back to last week where Tatu's press-attachй expressed a clear protest against freedom of fansites to publish material such as rumours, information provided by unnoficial sources and any information regarding demo recordings. The official forum was resticted to similar limits. That was the last drop that forced tatu.ru administration to resign last night. Thus, unofficial sites are preparing now a petition of protest against policies of the official site. The petition will be sent to Universal Music Russia authorities. The main reason of our concerns is the fact of rude, irresponsible and unprofessional approach that discredits importance of PR, interest and dynamics provided by fansites and admirers of the group. As it seems, passionate fans' efforts are of no importance to Tatu's administration any more.
21.06.2005 - Yulia abandoned her daughter and her boyfriend
As we have already written, Lena Katina left for LA to complete all work for the second album. Her colleague Yulia Volkova was flown to the States a few days later. Her little daughter Vika and her boyfriend Pasha Sidorov stayed in Moscow. Yulia was seen off by an effective ca. 35 years of age dark haired man. Having noticed photographers, the couple hurried to hide at the check-in stand. No one could get any clearance who the man was and what his name was, as Expess Gazeta reports.
New producer Boris Rensky prefers not to talk about the private life of his "kid". "We can't speak about either Yulia or her private plans until this fall. That's our policy. When the album, which is being recorded by the girls in America, will be ready – then we'll be open for press. I can't tell the exact release date. The release could happen in the beginning or at the end of September".
They say that Yulia doesn't live with the father of her daughter any longer. "She left him – showed him to the door, says Yulia's grandmother. – Yes, I suppose she had her reasons though it's not my business. I'd rather meet my grand grand daughter". It seems strange that Yulia hadn't showed the girl to her grand parents yet. They hope that upon Yulia's return from America she'd pay a visit so they would be able to meet the girl.
"Paul lives together with his mom and sister at the moment", - says a mutual friend to Yulia and Pasha. – He doesn't see Yulia any more. I don't know if he's got another girlfriend but he sees nether Yulia not Nastya Lazunina, whom he left in favour of Yulia. That's for sure. Nastya is still living at her parent's house. She got a job at the store and takes care of her daughter Dasha – a result of love between Pasha and Nastya. Dasha is 2 years old now. It was Yulia's father, who threw Pasha out of the house. The conflict started when Sidorov began to behave impudently. He was rude with Yulia's parents. When Oleg Viktorovich showed Pasha at the door, Yulia didn't have any objections".
23.06.2005 - Group Tatu to prepare for release of an album
Finally! Promo campaign for the second Tatu album has officially started in Los Angeles this Friday!
Friday, 18 June At 12 a.m. Tatu come to the Interscope office, where the company organizes the first photo-session. Lena and Yulia give Interscope a short "private" interview after shooting. The recording label will use all the materials of the meeting in creating posters, album design and different promo-stuff. After the afternoon with Interscope Tatu go to another part of the city through Los-Angeles traffic jams. The American band (piano, bass-guitar, drums), with whom Tatu performed at the times of the first album, is already waiting for them. A little rehearsal is "a must" for the duo: it's important to understand how good the musicians feel the singers after a long break in joint live performing. And it turns out – the feel Tatu! The rehearsal goes with drive and thrill. Lena and Yulia immediately get in the rhythm and the mood and sing "All The Things She Said", "Show Me Love" and… "All About Us", new album's song, without warming up. This singing on a spur of the moment turns out to be so cool! (isn't it always this way with improvised stuff?)
Sunday, 20 June
From Thursday to Saturday Mandy Line, a stylist and a costume designer assistant in about twenty Hollywood movies, has been searching Los Angeles fashion shops for the clothes and accessories preparing for the major photo-session on Thursday, June 23. And today she, together with Interscope representatives, goes to the hotel, where Tatu are staying, so that the girls could try on all the stuff Mandy bought. Everybody arrives at Fairmont Miramar –Santa Monica hotel at 4:30 p.m. American show-biz stylists never take stars shopping with them, so Mandy's choice is totally surprising for Lena and Yulia. Tatu are trying on clothes at the hotel's conference hall (classical presentation with demonstration!) since there's no other large room to do it. Everybody's watching the process closely. The "fashion show" lasts for 1,5 hours. At the end Tatu come up with clothes for 7 photo sets!
Monday, June 21
… But even a professional stylist doesn't hit the target all 100%, and Yulia and Lena decide to shop themselves for the photo-session at the 3rd Street, Santa Monica. This is the first thing they do Monday morning. Now almost every day starting from about 5 p.m. Tatu are at the Village studio "polishing" some Russian vocal parts. Upcoming album release makes the schedule tougher and tougher – and even tougher than that! Besides, June 23 is approaching – the day of the big photo-session. Yulia and Lena will have to wake up at four o'clock in the morning that day! Advertising photographer Phil Mucci, known for his one-of-a-kind photo-collages and for his photos of Garbage, Christina Aguilera, Rancid and many others, is going to work with Tatu The photo-session will last for 18 hours. There will be 3 location changes. The idea of the photo-session complies with the spirit of the album's international name "Dangerous and Moving". The shooting will take place at Los-Angeles' most extreme places.
24.06.2005 - Tatu new album is coming out in October!
The new Tatu album "Dangerous and Moving" has been scheduled for release by Interscope Records and Universal Music Russia in October 5th in Japan; in October 18th in North America & Canada; and in October 17th and 24th in the rest of the world.
09.07.2005 - In July group Tatu will shoot two new videos
Having watched 20 DVDs with music videos of all Hollywood directors Tatu and their creative team chose the one who will shoot the future videos on the songs "All About Us" and "Ludi-Invalidi"! The shooting is close at hand - it will take place in July. Also in the final post-production stage Caresse Henry, one of the top experts in show-biz management, joins Tatu team. 13 years of working as Madonna's personal manager – you just can't help becoming an expert! By the way, even though the girls infinitely love all their fans, Yulia and Lena have special feeling towards their fans in Russia. Exclusively for them Tatu release the first Russian single with the original video only in Russia and nowhere else. The fans from the rest of the world will be able to see the video and listen to the song much later. Russian version is the basic one, just like it was with the debut album, and it significantly differs from the international version. Moreover, the song "She Loves Me", that is included in both Russian and international versions of the album only in English, will have a different, "Russian", arrangement in the Russian version. In the international version of the album the arrangement style is drawn towards western pop-rock, and Russian arrangement sounds more dramatic and sad. But hopefully, not just fans from Russia, but everybody will be able to appreciate both song's arrangements.
14.07.2005 - Tatu create a song of repentance for their Japanese fans
It emerged on the 13th that the chaotic Russian duo Tatu are going to record a message for their Japanese fans in the form of their new album, which is due to be launched this autumn. According to insiders, the title is "I'm Sorry Japan". Apparently, it is a song of repentance, apologising to everyone in Japan.
When Tatu first came to Japan in June 2003, they abruptly cancelled their appearance on the TV Asahi show Music Station in the middle of the live broadcast, causing a huge problem. Although it was at the instruction of their producer at the time, Ivan Shapovalov, the girls' image in Japan became very bad as a result.
Last year they sent Ivan packing and apparently they are now creating a song that expresses their sense of repentance to their Japanese fans. It would appear that they have decided that it would be wise to take action themselves, given that Japan is the second-biggest market in the world and one in which their first album Tatu sold 1.8 million copies.
One half of the duo, Yulia gave birth to a baby girl in September last year. Since the end of January this year, the girls have been recording in Los Angeles.
18.07.2005 - First single will be released on 1 September!
Tatu's second album is scheduled to be released in Japan on 5 October. The first single from this album will be "All About Us". This single will be released in Japan before the rest of the world on 1 September.
20.07.2005 - New album will be available in stores from 26 September
The long awaited new album of the charismatic Tatu girls, titled Dangerous And Moving, will be available in stores from 26 September of this year!
This new work of the duo, formed by Russian teenagers Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova, is scheduled to be released on 27 September in the US and Canada and on 21 September in Japan.
Dangerous And Moving is produced by Trevor Horn, one of the most charismatic pop music producers who already worked with Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Bryan Ferry, Propaganda and Grace Jones, and also by Martin Kierszenbaum, Robert Orton, Sergei Galoyan, Ed Buller, Andy Kubiszewski and Ivan Kilar. The album also benefits from the participation of famous names like Sting and Richard Carpenter. The first single off this album, All About Us, will be released on 12 September and should start being played on radios from 8 August. Tatu were the first group from Eastern Europe to receive a IFPI award for over 1 million sales with their album 200km/h In The Wrong Lane!
31.07.2005 - Tatu's New Album Release Date Moved Up by Interscope/Universal Russia!
Interscope and Universal Russia have announced that the release date for Tatu's highly anticipated second album, "Dangerous and Moving", has been moved up to Oct. 11th in the US and Oct. 10th in the rest of the world. The first single, "All About Us", is scheduled to hit airwaves in August and Julia and Lena have just completed shooting the accompanying video clip in Los Angeles with acclaimed film director James Cox (Wonderland). Other songs on "Dangerous and Moving" include contributions from such special guests as Sting, Richard Carpenter (The Carpenters), Michael Urbano (Cracker, Todd Rundgren), Dominic Miller (Sting), Dave Stewart (Eurythmics), Dave Lopez (Flipsyde) and Trevor Horn (Yes, Grace Jones, Seal). Tatu has also enlisted Caresse Henry as their new manager. Henry previously managed Madonna. The rest of 2005 will see Tatu traveling the world to present their new single and other songs from "Dangerous and Moving". Julia and Lena plan to begin a world tour with their band in 2006.
10.08.2005 - Tatu's "All About Us" Single on a Radio Station Near You Soon!
Tatu will release to radio the first single from their forthcoming "Dangerous and Moving" album this month. The commercial single will be released in most of the world on Sept. 26th to be followed by the album on Oct. 10th/11th.
15.08.2005 - Tatu Sing "Gomenasai" 11 Times in Their Repentance Song
The lyrics of "Gomenasai", the song of repentance sung to Japan by the chaotic Russian duo Tatu, emerged on the 14th. The lyrics are in English, but the Japanese words "gomen nasai" are sung 11 times. The two girls came to Japan for the first time in June 2003 and caused uproar with their antics, which included suddenly cancelling their live appearance on TV Asahi's "Music Station" in the middle of the broadcast. The song does not mention this incident directly, but one could take lyrics such as "I wanted to tell you that I'd made a mistake, but I left" as an apology for the furore they caused. It was written by a Russian songwriter. During the recording, Yulia got into a bad mood when she saw the lyrics and work stopped for a time, but apparently the record company's representatives convinced her to go on with it, saying that, "It's a good song." The song appears on the album, which will be launched in Japan on 5th October, ahead of the rest of the world.
19.08.2005 - Track-lists of both Russian and international albums
Release dates of the album "Ludi Invalidi" ("Dangerous And Moving" is the name of CD's international version) are approaching at risky speed.
In Japan, the release of the single "All About Us" is set for September, 1. In Russia and in the rest of the world the release of singles "All About Us" and "Ludi Invalidi" will be in the middle of September. On October, 5 Japanese fans will be able to enjoy the whole album. October, 10 is the album release date for Russia and 40 more countries and October, 11 is the release date for the US (interestingly, according to the tradition of American music industry albums are usually released on Tuesday).
September, 11 Tatu go on European promo-tour. Lena and Yulia will visit about 10 countries. In the nearest future the promo-tour schedule will be available on our website.
Track-lists of both Russian and international albums:
Ludi Invalidi
1. Ludi Invalidi (Intro)
2. Novaya Model
3. Obezyanka Nol
4. Loves Me Not
5. Kosmos
6. Ti Soglasna
7. Nichya
8. Vsya Moya Lubov
9. All About Us
10. Shto Ne Hvataet
11. Ludi Invalidi
Dangerous and Moving
1. Dangerous And Moving (Intro)
2. All About Us
3. Cosmos (Outer Space)
4. Loves Me Not
5. Friend Or Foe
6. Gomenasai
7. Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have)
8. Sacrifice
9. We Shout
10. Perfect Enemy
11. Obezyanka Nol
12. Dangerous and Moving
This week make sure you don't miss the fresh photos from the video shooting and comments of James Cox, the director of both videos. He will share his impressions from the work with Lena and Yulia!
20.08.2005 - Tatu on CDUK Sunday's show (ITV)
Don't miss the first exclusive run of the new Tatu video on CDUK!
Channel: ITV1 London
Date: 21.08.05
Showtime: 09.50 (GMT); 10.50 (London); 11.50 (CET)
"Yep, you read that right: the most controversial act in recent memory are back... and we've got the video exclusive!!"
21.08.2005 - Single "All About Us" is already on radio stations through out the world
Universal/Interscope has completed the first round of the All About Us promotional campaign. The promotional CD has been shipped off to various radio stations in Europe and the rest of the world. The CD includes original version of the song plus four remixes at the DJ's choice. The promotional package includes an info-sheet with the dates of release in corresponding country.
1. Dave Aude Big Mixshow (5.33)
2. Stephane K Extended Mix (6.24)
3. Glam As You Mix By Guena LG (6.26)
4. Dave's Acid Funk Dub (8.17)
5. Single Version (3.02)
Comments of the radio-associate:
1. Dave Aude Big Mixshow – full vocal, racey and quite edgy in a kind of a rocky/trancey style - criminally, they've dropped those fantastic strings, but there are plenty of orchestral 'stabs' to give it a sense of being 'action-packed' and 'in your face'.
2. Stephane K Extended Mix – is a little drab, but does retain the strings - sadly, as it's massively short of vocals (just the odd snippet here and there), it's unplayable.
3. Glam As You Mix By Guena LG – is full vocal, not too disimilar to the Dave Aude intrepretation - again quite rocky/trancey, and it does retain the strings, but isn't quite so much in your face - still good, tho'...
4. Dave's Acid Funk Dub – is, as you'd expect, very low on vocals, but has a kinda cutting edge feel to it - it's alright.
21.08.2005 - The cover of Dangerous and Moving – opinions divided
Last week, Universal Music Poland and the official site of the group, revealed the cover of the forthcoming international version of the new Tatu album Dangerous and Moving. The cover features highway with Yulia and Lena standing on it and a print of a corpse lying on the road. A yellow and black zebra ribbon contains the title of the album. Such an extraordinary graphic solution caused a lively discussion among Tatu fans. The polls run by several Tatu-related sites showed that far from all fans liked such a design for the long awaited album of their favourite artists. According to the polls of TatySite.net and Tatu.us, more than half of the members who voted expressed their negative opinion.
Poll results:
TatySite.net: positive – 11%, negative – 79%
Tatu.us: positive – 34%, negative – 38%
22.08.2005 - Dangerous and Moving Album Details
Nichya.net's acquired some of the credits/authors of the new songs on the English Album:
1. Dangerous And Moving (Intro) (-)
2. All About Us (B. Steinberg, J. Alexander, J. Origliasso, L. Origliasso)
3. Cosmos (Outer Space) (Alexandrovski L, Martin Kierszenabum, Valery Polienko, Sergey Galoyan)
4. Loves Me Not (Slava Katsev)
5. Friend Or Foe (Martin Kierszenbaum, Dave Stewart)
6. Gomenasai (-)
7. Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have) (Trevor Horn)
8. Sacrifice (Sergey Galoyan, Martin Kierszenbaum)
9. We Shout (Alexandfrovski L, Martin Kierszenbaum, Nekkermann, Valeri Polienko)
10. Perfect Enemy (Sergey Galoyan, Martin Kierszenbaum, Peter Right)
11. Obezyanka Nol (A. Pokutny, V. Adarichev, Valeri Polienko)
12. Dangerous and Moving (Alexandrovski L, Martin Kierszenabum, Valery Polienko, Ivan Shapovolov)
Basically, we have further confirmation that the demo we have for "Lyudi-Invalidy" is indeed the basis for the song to be on the album and that "Dangerous and Moving" is the english version of that song. It also shows that "We Shout" is the english version of a Russian song, presumeably either "Nichya" or "Ty Soglansna." Since neither "Friend or Foe" or "Sacrifice" or "Perfect Enemy" have Russian author credits for Lyrics Nichya.net sees that these songs were not based off of Russian Songs. As well, according to Sergei Galoyan's official forum two of the songs had different titles "Reach Out (We Shout)" and "Wrap It Up (Perfect Enemy)."
24.08.2005 - Praise for Tatu's "All About Us" from the UK's NME
The biggest-selling weekly music magazine in Britain NME placed Tatu's "All About Us" on their "What's on the NME's Stereo" list and wrote: "They're back - with a chorus as big as the cosmos with epic production to match."
25.08.2005 - All About Us is already in clubs
DJ's throughout the world received a double promo-vinyl with All About Us remixes. Now the single started to play on the dance floor too. Fans that attended night clubs were pleasantly surprised to hear techno-versions of the song.
"Oh my God! I was about to flip out! I ran in circles and screamed like crazy in the club. It was such a surprise for me!" – says one of the fans.
Tracklist of the promo-vinyl:
1. Dave Dub Big Room Vocal
2. Dave's Acid Funk Dub
3. Stephane K Extended Mix
4. Dave Aude Big Mixshow
5. The Lovemakers Mix
6. Dave Aude Big Club Dub
Even a more extensive promo CD had been distributed to DJ's in the United States and Latin America which includes 13 remixes of All About Us.
1. Dave and Big Room Vocal
2. Dave Aude Vocal Edit
3. Dave Aude Big Club Dub
4. Dave Aude Big Mixshow
5. Dave's Acid Funk Dub
6. Stephane K Radio Mix
7. Stephane K Extended Mix
8. Stephane K Guitar Dub Mix
9. The Lovermakers Mix
10. Glam as you mix by Guaena LG
11. Glam as you radio mix by Guaena LG
12. Sunset in Ibiza Mix by Guena LG
13. Sunset in Ibiza Radio Mix by Guaena LG
27.08.2005 - Details of shootings "All About Us" and "Ludi Invalidi" videos
Music video "All About Us"
The beginning of the video is shot in a little Korean restaurant in Los Angeles, half of which is rented and the other half continues serving its guests. The video episode is shot in the daytime, but the windows are covered with panels to create the evening lighting. At the beginning of the episode Lena and Yulia can’t act out a quarrel and many takes are done while shooting the scene. They drink water, of course. Lena drives away in Chevrolet Camaro, the model produced back in 60-s. There has been a discussion among the fans about Yulia's words that she’s saying to the tattooed guy in the uncensored version of the video. Here’s the clue. Yulia follows her usual recognizable style – "Poshel na h**!" ("F**k you!") But the word "poshel" is edited out, so only the last part of the phrase remains.
Music video "Ludi Invalidi"
One of the episodes was shot in the Los Angeles side street that is a life and hang-out place of the homeless. The latter were asked to leave the side street for the time of shooting. But the place stank so much that it had to be washed with chlorinated water under high pressure. After the side street smelled more or less ok, another difficulty emerged: part of the crew appeared to be very sensitive to chlorine and had to wear respirators till the end of the shooting. The final scene of All About Us video was also shot at this side street. In the background you can see the stairs that Yulia uses to escape her new tattooed acquaintance. By the way, the tattoos were fake. The artist was panting the actor for the whole day.
27.08.2005 - Universal Music worldwide received Dangerous And Moving promotional album
This week, Universal Music departments worldwide received the promo-CD of the new Tatu album Dangerous And Moving. The promo-CD is a prototype of the upcoming album and includes 13 tracks:
1. Dangerous and Moving (Intro)
2. All About Us
3. Cosmos (Outer Space)
4. Loves Me Not
5. Friend Or Foe
6. Gomenasai
7. Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have)
8. Sacrifice
9. We Shout
10. Perfect Enemy
11. Obezyanka Nol
12. Dangerous and Moving
The main surprise of the second Tatu album after 200km/h In A Wrong Lane, is an absolute absence of songs in Russian language. Despite of the fact that Cosmos and Obezyanka Nol are originally Russian titles, they are recorded and appear on the album in English too.
All material of the upcoming album is brand new. The songs have a typical Tatu-style but sound very up-to-date and have heavier arrangements. The song Loves Me Not may become an unexpected hit. Russian composer Slava Katsev from Chelyabinsk wrote this song back in Podnebesnaya. The demo recording of this song was made in Moscow during Ivan Shapovalov’s era as Tatu’s producer.
27.08.2005 - All About Us: Remixes, Single release details
Tatu's new single had been sent to radios in Europe during August and should get heavy rotations considering its efficiency. The video is wicked and draws attention. Same for the album "Dangerous and Moving" released on 10 October.
Remixes details
Good news about the remixes, the two made by French DJ and the show owner in Paris Guena LG have been approved by the management. The first one "Glam As You Mix" is very dance and upbeat, close to the original version (as far as guitar sounds are concerned), the second one "Sunset In Ibiza Mix" starts very "lounge" and evolves to a deep house/Balearic house sound.
Releases of All About Us
It's now a bit clearer: there is a US Promo CD Maxi Single with all the remixes. A Limited Edition Promo CD (300 copies) including all versions of the song will be made for France in the coming weeks. As for public releases, the UK will get two different CD Maxi Singles and also one DVD single. In France, one CD Single and two CD Maxi Singles will be released. The CD Maxi Single Part. 1 will include the original version, an exclusive version, the short version of Stephane K's remix, and the music video. The CD Maxi Single Part. 2 - The Remixes will include all the club remixes.
28.08.2005 - "Dangerous And Moving" album has leaked out to the Internet
During this weekend audio files of all songs from the upcoming album "Dangerous And Moving" appeared in P2P systems. The album leaked out seven weeks prior to the release date. Such early leakage doesn’t happen very often and may force Universal/Interscope to move up the release dates.
31.08.2005 - Tatu on Punkt12 program (RTL)
Don't miss the interview that Tatu gave to the German TV station RTL as a part of the second album promo-campaign. The interview will be included into Punkt12 program at 12:00 am on August, 31st (German time). RTL broadcasts in all European countries.
01.09.2005 - Tatu to make 4th Visit to Japan in October!
It emerged on 31st August that the chaotic Russian duo Tatu will make their fourth visit to Japan in October; it is two years since their last visit. Yulia and Lena have planned their itinerary in line with the launch of their album Dangerous and Moving and have told their Japanese record company that, "Our fans in Japan have energy. We will definitely go." The final adjustments to their schedule are now being made. In an interview with our Japanese staff in Russia, Lena made the revealing comment, "We are dangerous beings. Take great care when dealing with us." Yulia, who became a single mother last year, apparently said, "We have the image of being scandalous, but we do not act this way deliberately. We are just expressing our true selves." In any event, it is two years since that stramash. They are bound to be the focus of attention during this visit too. Incidentally, their single All About Us, which went on sale on 1st September at a price of 500 yen, has been selected as the theme tune of Nippon Television's variety programme "Bakusho Mondai no Susume", starting from 7th October. The new album also contains the song of repentance aimed at Japan, Gomenasai, which was arranged by Richard Carpenter.
01.09.2005 - The song Ludi Invalidi on radio station Europe Plus
September, 1, Tatu are waking everybody up on the Russian radio station Europe Plus (106.2 FM): the song Ludi Invalidi is in the playlist of the new morning show "What a morning". Wake-up time - 7 am (Moscow). Lena and Yulia will personally present the song.

September, 1, Tatu are waking everybody up on the Russian radio station Europe Plus (106.2 FM): the song Ludi Invalidi is in the playlist of the new morning show "What a morning". Wake-up time - 7 am (Moscow). Lena and Yulia will personally present the song.

04.09.2005 - Tracklist of "Dangerous and Moving" in Japan: 3 extra tracks
Tracklist of the Japanese release of album "Dangerous And Moving" has become available. This edition will include 15 tracks. International version of the album is announced to contain 12 tracks only.
Tracklist of the Japanese edition:
1 Dangerous And Moving
2 All About Us
3 Cosmos (Outer Space)
4 Loves Me Not
5 Friend Or Foe
6 Gomenasai
7 Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have)
8 Sacrifice
9 We Shout
10 Perfect Enemy
11 Obeziаnka Nol
12 Dangerous And Moving
13 Vsya Moya Lubov
14 Lyudi Invalidi
15 Divine
More over, Japanese release offers a limited edition of the album, which includes a DVD (CD BonusTrack + DVD).
The album is set for the release in Japan on October, 5.
04.09.2005 - Tatu: "We want to change the world"
Last Thursday (September, 1) Tatu launched their promo-campaign connected with the release of their Russian album "Ludi-Invalidi" (Disabled People). They began their morning at studio Europe Plus where they gave a radio-interview and presented two new songs from the album. Later on, they met journalists and reporters of Russian media. As we were informed, Yulia and Lena managed to give 19 interviews during one day.
Majority of questions evolved around Tatu's private lives and around the title of the album. Tatu clarified the meaning of "Ludi-Invalidi", which should be understood indirectly. They mean people with poor moral values, who are unable to show compassion, love and understanding. Plans for the album are grandiose, as according to Lena Katina, Tatu want to change the world by their music.
We remind you that around September 11, Tatu are planning to go on European promotional tour connected with the release of both their first single "All About Us" and album "Dangerous And Moving" in Europe. As we got to know, Germany, UK, Italy and France are on the list of the scheduled countries.
05.09.2005 - Tatu to play London gig
Tatu will play a one-off gig at a London venue this month. The Russians, Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova will play the 1,600 capacity Astoria's G-A-Y club on Saturday September 17th. The appearance is a part of their European promo-tour. The girls are best known for their hit All The Things She Said that topped the UK singles chart in 2003 4 weeks in a row. Their new single All About Us is released on September 26th. Their new video "All About Us" has been already presented by Popjustice. At the moment it leads Popjustice video chart. Sugarbabes is one position behind.
05.09.2005 - Tatu European promo-tour
September, 11 Tatu are going on a "Dangerous And Moving" European promo-tour.
September, 12 – Barcelona (Spain)
September, 13 – Madrid (Spain)
September, 14 – Paris (France)
September 15 - 16 - Italy
September 17 - 23 – London (England)
September, 24 – Baden-Baden (Germany)
September, 26 - Helsinki (Finland)
September, 27 – Munich (Germany)
September, 28 – Berlin (Germany)
September, 29 – Cologne (Germany)
September, 30 – Vienna (Austria)
06.09.2005 - A slow start for "All About Us"
Tatu are back! Two years later, they enter the charts with their new single "All About Us" again.
The single was released in Japan on September 1. After one day in the stores, it hit #18 position in the daily Oricon Chart of singles sales but on the next day, it disappeared from this chart. Oricon Weekly singles chart reports "All About Us" hitting #27 with estimated 5500 sold copies.
This week, MTV Europe put "All About Us" video in the FRESH airplay where new videos are frequently aired. The video started on #29 position as the new entry of UK Top40 Airplay.
09.09.2005 - A promo campaign took place in Russia
The events of the last two weeks have been preparing Tatu for the European promo-tour: Lena and Yulia had about ten photo sessions, gave more than twenty interviews to the Russian (MK-Boulevard, MK-Sunday, Izvestiya, Noviye Izvestiya, Elle-girl, Glamour, Komsomolskaya Pravda, that ran half-fake interview, Rossiiskaya Gazeta, AiF, Teens, Time Out, Molotok, Rolling Stone, Play, Bravo, Cool, MTV, MUZ-TV), American (Blender), German (Bravo, TRL) and Japanese mass media, recorded unbelievable amount of radio IDs and… decided to have a few-day break before the trip. Lena is staying in Moscow with her friends, and Julia left for the US, from where she is flying directly to Barcelona.
09.09.2005 - "Lyudi-Invalidi" hits Russia
Tatu's new song from their Russian version of the album "Lyudi Invalidi" was launched for airplay a week ago. Up today it’s been played 556 times on 112 radio stations in 236 cities of Russia. The long awaited by the fans come back of the group is here!
The song was composed by Tatu's former producer Ivan Shapovalov. Lyrics are written by Valery Polienko, who has been working with the group from the very beginning. Publishing rights belong to: T.A. Music and The 1st Publishing House of Russia for Russia and CIS, and BMG Publishing and EMI Music Publishing – for the rest of the world.
11.09.2005 - America and Asia is next after Europe
Two days before Tatu's European promo-tour, Interscope Records announced changes in the tour programme and told about further tours.
Thus, a trip to Vienna (Austria) previously set for September 30 is cancelled in favour of Paris where Tatu will take part in NRJ Cine Awards. Baden-Baden (Germany) set for September 24 is cancelled too. Tatu's stay in England is shortened by 2 days.
Universal Music International, which is Tatu's label worldwide is already planning further promo-tours. According to Interscope official site, they will go to Australia, North America and Asia.
The updated schedule of promo-tour:
September, 12 – Barcelona (Spain)
September, 13 – Barcelona (Spain)
September, 14 – Paris (France)
September 15 - 16 – Milan (Italy)
September 17 - 21 – London (England)
September, 22 - Stockholm (Sweden)
September, 23 - Helsinki (Finland)
September 24 - 25 – tbd
September, 26 – Munich (Germany)
September, 27 – London (England)
September, 28 – Berlin (Germany)
September, 29 – Cologne (Germany)
September, 30 – Paris (France)
October, 1 – Paris (France)
October 14 - 16 – Israel
13.09.2005 - "Dangerous and Moving" Deluxe Limited Edition
On October 11th, release date for Tatu's 2nd album, "Dangerous and Moving", Interscope will issue a Deluxe Limited Edition which will include the album CD as well as additional material. Details are still forthcoming, however, label sources say that the Deluxe Limited Edition will contain behind-the-scenes footage, a special poster and actual multi-track parts to one of Tatu's songs so that fans can make their own remixes! It hasn't yet been confirmed in which countries this limited edition will be made available.
14.09.2005 - Tatu on Hit Machine in France
On Wednesday September 14th, Tatu will be recording the TV show Hit Machine in France. The recording will be done at M6 studios.
The recording will be done at Studio 217:
50, avenue du President Wilson
93214 La Plaine St Denis
Entrance from 11.30 until 16.30
More information at: M6 Hit Machine website.
The airtime for that particular issue is not set yet. Normally Hit Machine is broadcasted first every Saturday at 10:20 CET on M6 and repeated on FunTV every following Wednesday at 12:30 CET and Sunday at 20:50 CET.
14.09.2005 - Promo-tour: Tatu in Barcelona (Spain)
The big European promo has been launched! On 11-th of September Lena and Yulia departed from Moscow and Los Angeles to gather in Barcelona. During the 3 following weeks Tatu will meet major mass-media agencies representatives and European fans and will rock several clubs with their new hits.
11 September
Roman, Sven and Troy – musicians who are to play with Tatu in this promo – come to hotel Hesperia Presidente after Lena does. Everyone came from the US. Everyone but not everything – Sven's keyboard is lost. We are trying hard to find new keyboard for there's a rehearsal taking place tonight. We also meet Neil at the hotel, he is Universal's manager who's going to work with Tatu during the promo-tour.
Neil: Everybody says that Barcelona and Rome are the most posh cities in Europe. And also... no, that's all, Barcelona and Rome.
It is summer in Barcelona still. This means heat, palm-trees, camisoles and sandals. Yulia is to arrive at 15:30, flight from Paris. There's no "visual contact" with her for a long time, and when this finally happens it turns out that "star's" luggage had shared the same fate as keyboard – it didn't make it. Yulia walks dressed in a striped singlet and a suntan from beaches of Los Angeles, and she is very indignant. But (how does she manage to be???) smiling as usually.
Yulia: F***, I new that, I new I was about to be left without luggage. No clothes now, so what is to be worn?! I hate wearing the same things... That's it, tomorrow I'll go shopping instead of all those interviews!
It is good that Neil does not speak Russian: Yulia's words do sound serious.
In the evening everyone goes for rehearsal in a small studio where the team members get their plays matched to each other during about an hour. Everything sounds good. "Perfecto". Only Yulia sometimes gets tangled in English "Cosmos" lyrics. Girls are planning to include this song into their G-A-Y performance program.
Yulia: No, print me the text again, I'll learn. I will have learned everything. Give it to me today – tomorrow morning I'll know it.
The first day ends up with late supper in a big Spanish ‘eating station'. Lena is eating soup (she can't live without a soup) while Yulia is eating some meat. Also Lena translates menu to the bodyguards – Igor and Sergey. Dessert time is close at hand, Yulia gets her digicam and shows everyone Vika's pictures while smiling in a quite "not Yulia's" way. Vika looks like she-robber and hooligan. Daughter of her parents.
12 september
"Mission goals" in total: 15 interviews and 3 shootings. The word "huge" corresponding to the circulation and popularity of engaged mass-media can be seen many times on hardcopy of tour-plan today. But the "mission" is still not "initiated" – Yulia rejects black bob-styled wig.
Yulia: Just look at this f*****g s**t. No, I don't. I feel myself like granny who's got no hair! There was my hair in the video, not a wig!
Finally Yulia agrees to put on the wig but just only for the time shootings, and girls walk downstairs to the conference hall in house slippers (!!). Tatu are giving interviews all day long, at the moments of breaks Yulia uses to take her wig off and put it on everyone who's being spotted by her big blue eyes. After all this Lena is staying to read Feuchtwanger at the hotel, and Yulia whose luggage has not still arrived is out for the new one...
15.09.2005 - Promo-tour Milan, Italy
Meeting with fans in cafe Fiat at 16.15-16.24
On Thursday September 15th , Tatu will be in Milan, Italy. They will meet their fans at 15:00 at Fiat Cafe (6, Alemagna Street) and will run a preview of their new album "Dangerous And Moving". The entrance is free but only the first 50 persons will get the privilege to meet Yulia and Lena in person.
If you want to secure a place in the cafe, you may try to enter a contest and win it.
In order to enter the contest, please submit a letter and give good reasons why you want to meet Tatu and what Tatu mean for you. The letter should be sent to kissme@kissme.it until Spetember 14th.
The 4 winners chosen by jury will:
- Get an exclusive entrance to the preview of the album.
- Meet Tatu in person and get an autographed copy of the disc.
- Be photographed with Tatu and their picture will be published in the KiSS Me issue in November.
TatySite.net wishes the contestants the very best of luck!

15.09.2005 - Performance in Top Of The Pops, Milan Italy
Tatu will be recording their performance for the show Top Of The Pops in Milan, Italy. The show will be aired on Saturday, September 17th, on channel Italia 1, at 13.55 CET. To be among the audience, please get your ticket by contacting TOTP:
Tel. 02-26707044 or E-mail: topofthepops@mediaset.it Recording at Top Of The Pops at 18.00
15.09.2005 - Fiat Café Party
A party in cafe Fiat at 23.00pm
A party in cafe Fiat at 23.00pm
17.09.2005 - Promo-tour: Tatu on music show CD:UK (UK)
On Saturday, September 17th, Tatu will perform their new single All About Us LIVE at CD:UK morning show broadcasted by ITV, UK. 6 am the Tatu team is leaving St. Martins Lane Hotel for the rehearsal and coming back to wait for the show at the hotel. The shooting starts 11 am. Tatu's performance is at 12:09 pm.
The show starts at 11:30 BST (British Summer Time, GMT+1).
The show starts at 11:30 BST (British Summer Time, GMT+1).
CD:UK will be broadcasted from Riverside Studio in London at:
Crisp Road, Hammersmith W6 Nearest tube: Hammersmith Crisp Road is next to Hammersmith Apollo
The regular show's audience varies from 3,5 to 5 million viewers. The expected audience for this Sunday's broadcast is 6 million people.

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17.09.2005 - Song "Dangerous and Moving" - second Tatu single
The title of the second single from the upcoming Tatu album "Dangerous And Moving" has been revealed. According to Lena Katina, the song "Dangerous and Moving" will be released as group's second single. The release dates are not known at the moment.
21.09.2005 - Arrive in Stockholm
On Wednesday night, September 21st, Tatu will land at Arlanda airport in Stockholm. The day after will be dedicated to meet Swedish media. At the moment they are scheduled for a photo session and an interview for OKEJ magasine and a radio interview. No public appearances or performances are scheduled then. Tatu seem to get a deserved break at the end of the next week. Watch the news section for details on European promo-tour.
22.09.2005 - Promo Tour in Stockholm
September 22nd Tatu had a number of radio, TV and press interviews:

All major Swedish daily newspapers
OKEJ pop magazine
MTV Nordic
SVT24 News (TV)
Radio Stockholm
Radio P3 Morgonpasset
Radio P3 Musikjurnalen
Radio P3 Star
Radio NRJ
Radio Rix FM Top40
Tatu plan to leave for Helsinki, Finland the same night. Their European promo-tour will continue there.

22.09.2005 - Tatu on Pop World (UK)
This Saturday, September 24th, a prerecorded performance of Tatu will be shown in the programme Pop World on Channel 4, UK. The show begins at 10.30 (BST).

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23.09.2005 - Leave Helsinki for days off in Moscow
23.09.2005 - Leave Helsinki for days off in Moscow
The first part of Tatu's European promo-tour successfully ended on Friday, September 23rd in Helsinki, Finland where Tatu gave a number of interviews and had a lunch with the winner of the YleX radio contest.
24.09.2005 - Tatu spend a weekend in Moscow
Yesterday afternoon, Yulia and Lena left for Moscow. Yulia has a special reason to spend this weekend together with her family as her daughter Victoria turned one year on this day.
26.09.2005 - Promo Tour Munich, Germany (Photoshoot)
27.09.2005 - Tatu in London to record a show
Today, September 27th, Tatu will participate in the recording of the Frank Skinner Show.
The recording will be done at: London Studios, Upper Ground London SE1 9PZ
The studio is open from 16.30 (BST) The programme will be aired on TV channel ITV, UK, on September 29th at 23.00 (BST)
28.09.2005 - t.A.T.u. in Berlin and Cologne (Germany)
The European promo-tour continues. Wednesday on September 28th, Tatu are invited to Viva and MTV Germany in Berlin.
29.09.2005 - t.A.T.u. on 1LIVE radio and RTL channel (Germany)
Today at 3 pm (CET) Tatu are giving an interview to German's biggest youth radio station 1LIVE.
September, 30 at 6 am and at 9 am (CET) Tatu are taking part in the morning shows PUNKT6 and PUNKT9. The shows come out at RTL TV channel.
29.09.2005 - RTL Punkt 6 and Punkt 9 Interview (6am + 9am), Cologne Germany

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29.09.2005 - Radio Station 1LIVE, Cologne Germany
29.09.2005 - Performance at Top Of The Pops, Cologne Germany

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29.09.2005 - Radio Station 1LIVE, Cologne Germany
29.09.2005 - Performance at Top Of The Pops, Cologne Germany

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29.09.2005 - Tatu changed their manager
The promising collaboration between Caresse Henry and Tatu has come to an abrupt end. According to Yulia Volkova, they got a new manager. "We simply realised that we need another type of person for this job", said Yulia to the German channel Viva. Before her short collaboration with Tatu, Caresse Henry had been personal manager of Madonna’s.
30.09.2005 - NRJ Cine Awards, Paris France

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For the first time ever, Tatu will perform in Paris! Yulia and Lena are scheduled for 2 live performances.
On September 30, they will be at NRJ Cine Awards to perform "All About Us" from the Grand Rex theatre in Paris. The ceremony begins at 20:50 (CET) and will be broadcasted live by French channel NRJ12.
01.10.2005 - Glam As You Club 'Med World' Paris France

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On October 1, Tatu will perform on stage of Glam As You in Club Med World. Yulia and Lena will sing all their hits and present their new album to their gay, lesbian, bi, and straight fans. Glam as You is one of the biggest gay parties in Paris. The event takes place about 4 times a year and is the place to be for the most popular gay icons. The show begins at 00.00 (CET). A mini-gig in the show "Glam As You" at 00.00 Tatu will perform the following songs:
- All About Us
- All The Things She Said
- Not Gonna Get Us
- Cosmos
01.10.2005 - Bryan Adams had a photoshoot with Tatu

October 1, on the last day of the European promo-tour, Bryan Adams, worldly known as a musician and unknown to most people as a fashion-photographer, had a photo shoot with Tatu.
Adams doesn't like to talk about his interest in photography. That's why few know that he's been in photography for the last twenty years. For the girls Bryan's hobby was a revelation as well.
That day Tatu were to perform at Glam As You party, and to give them a break before the show, it was decided to start shooting at 5 am.
The location was Bryan's personal Paris apartment that he'd recently got. At that moment the apartment was a space prepared to be reconditioned: bare rooms that looked like boxes, dust, plaster, building materials scattered all over the place. Old computers and monitors were delivered to Adam's place for the set. The photo shoot lasted till 6 pm. After the shoot the girls went straight to the Club Med World for rehearsal. The photographs shot by Adams will be used by the record label in promo events of the album "Dangerous and Moving" and "Ludi Invalidi".
03.10.2005 - Single "All About Us" hits the charts
"All About Us" officially entered European charts this week. One week after the release, the sales charts look as follows:
Finland - #7
Ireland - #20
Latvia - #33
Luxembourg - #25
Netherlands - #39
Slovenia - #15
Spain - #25
Sweden - #35
UK - #8
06.10.2005 - Release dates for album "Ludi Invalidi"
Russian version of the new Tatu's album "Ludi Invalidi" is set for the release in Russia on October 20th. That's precisely ten days after the release of Tatu's international album "Dangerous and Moving".
08.10.2005 - Official Tatu Remix Contest is open
Intercope Records together with Sony Music USA launch an official international Tatu Remix Contest.
How to enter
Join ACIDplanet® world of music, which hosts a remix for "Friend or Foe". First, create your remix of Friend or Foe. If you don't already have ACID software, download the free ACID XPRESS™ software. Next, download some of the loops. Using the ACID music creation software, paint the loops into your remix. When you're finished, return to this page and click the Upload My Entry button. Upload your track, and you've entered the contest.
All entries must be fully uploaded by 12:00 a.m. midnight PST on Tuesday, November 15, 2005.
This contest is open to citizens of all countries.
Entrants must be at least 13 years of age.
Entrants must provide a Windows Media or Real Media version of their entry.
Entrants must provide accurate contact information for the purpose of contacting winners.
Grand Prize Winner
Merchandise from Interscope and Tatu
Merchandise from Sony valued at more than $1500, including:
ACID Pro software. Vegas® software. Sound Forge® software.
Ten Sony Sound Series™: Loops and Samples, Standard libraries.
Sony Network Walkman™ Digital Music Player NW-E507.
To enter the contest and get detailed information on terms and conditions, please visit Tatu Remix Contest page.
08. - 12.10.2005 - Tatu in Tokyo, Japan
Today at 19.25 (Moscow time), Yulia and Lena leave for Tokyo (Japan). Travel time is 9 hours and 35 minutes. Arrival to Terminal 2 of Narita International Airport (Tokyo) at 10.00 (October 9th, Tokyo time). Flight SU 575 of Aeroflot.
Tatu will spend a few days in Tokyo promoting their new album "Dangerous and Moving". Apart from meeting with Japanese press, Tatu are scheduled for a TV appearance on TBS show Utaban. The show will be recorded at TBS studios, on October 11th.
Lena and Yulia stay at ANA Hotel Tokyo (12-33, Akasaka 1-chome, Minatoku). All Sunday Lena and Yulia will rest and enjoy the city.
Their promo-programme will include:
Interviews for Japanese media - (MTV Japan, TV Asahi, NTV, TV show Utaban at TBS Tv.
On October 12th, Tatu will meet their fans. Yulia and Lena will answer fans' questions and sing a few songs from the "Dangerous and Moving" album.
Details on Utaban show:
The show is hosted by Japanese celebrities - Takaaki Ishibashi and Masahiro Nakai. The show will be recorded on October 11th. At 11.00 Tatu leave hotel and arrive at Zepp Tokyo Venue, where the girls will record their performance for the show. The interview will be recorded at TBS Sudios the same afternoon at 17.30.
Attention! All local times maybe slightly moved due to some minor changes in the programme.
It's not 100% confirmed where Lena and Yulia will go after Japan, but on October, 20 they return to Moscow for presentation of the album "Ludi Invalidi".
It emerged on the 2nd that the Russian duo Tatu will appear on the TBS programme Utaban (Thursdays at 19:54). The two girls are due to come to Japan on the 10th to publicise their new album and record an appearance on this programme on the 11th. They will talk to the two presenters, Takaaki Ishibashi (43) and SMAP's Masahiro Nakai (33), and sing their new song All About Us.
When they came to Japan in 2003, they suddenly cancelled their appearance on the live programme Music Station on TV Asahi. The coming appearance will be recorded, but the date on which it will be broadcast will not be decided until after the recording, just in case of any problems.
It has been decided that they will play a live gig in front of 200 fans at club asia in Tokyo's Shibuya district. Their song of repentance to Japan, Gomenasai, is also due to be performed here. For enquiries about tickets, visit http://tatujapan.com
10.10.2005 - Release of "Dangerous and Moving" in Russia pushed back
The release of the international version of the new Tatu's album "Dangerous and Moving" set for today has been delayed. Both "Dangerous and Moving" and "Ludi-Invalidi" albums will be available in Russian stores simultaneously on October 19th.
10.10.2005 - Official Charts: All About Us
World: #35
Europe: #20
European Union: #34
Finland: #4
France: #91
Ireland: #23 (Best: #20)
Italy: #8
Latvia: #20
Luxembourg: #20
Norway: #10
Spain: #21
Sweden: #9
UK: #19 (Best: #8)
12.10.2005 - Tatu arrived to Japan with "Gomenasai"
The Russian female duo Tatu arrived in Japan on the 9th to promote their album. The airport security limited entrance inside the building anticipating chaotic situation with journalists and fans. Luckily such measures didn't need to be fully applied. Yulia and Lena were in good spirits after stepping off the plane at Narita Airport and said in Japanese "Arigatou" (thank you) and "Gomen nasai" (sorry). Finally, they repeated the words "gomen nasai" three times. During their first visit to Japan in 2003, they caused chaos by walking out of the TV Asahi programme Music Station during the middle of a live broadcast, but Yulia stressed that, "This time we won't do it. We've become adults." We remind you that Tatu's new album was released in Japan on the 5th of October. Today it stays as #10 in the weekly sales chart. TatySite.net Team of experts considers it to be a successful start and therefore greets Tatu with such an excellent beginning of their promo-tour in Japan.
13.10.2005 - Tatu left for Los Angeles
The short promo-tour to Japan is at its end for Tatu. Yesterday, they recorded a performance and an interview for Utaban show. They arrived at their dressing room bang on time, began recording their song at 13:00 and then recorded the chat part of the program at 18:40, just like model students.
The two girls appeared in the same sexy costumes that they wore for the video of their new single All About Us and took part in an interview with the hosts Takaaki Ishibashi and SMAP's Masahiro Nakai. When Nakai said "We're begging you, please don't leave halfway through.", Yulia (20) responded, "Unfortunately, the last time it turned out like that, but it's OK. Precisely because we respect Japan, this time we are doing our best." Today, the two girls will perform a mini-concert for just 300 fans in Tokyo's Shibuya district. On the 13th, they will go to Los Angeles to record a promotional video. The promo-tour to Israel, scheduled for October 14-16 may therefore be off.
16.10.2005 - Album "Ludi Invalidi" on Radio Europe Plus
On Sunday, October 16, radio Europe Plus (106.2 FM) had an exclusive premiere, the first run of the entire album "Ludi Invalidi".
16 - 17 October Friend or Foe Video Shooting, Los Angeles

On October 13th, Tatu left for Los Angeles to shoot their new promotional video. The decision of Universal Music to release "Friend or Foe" as group's second single was initially taken only for USA but during the promo-tour, Tatu's lable came to the conclusion that "Friend or Foe" would be a better second single than "Dangerous and Moving" as it had been planned from the start. The "Friend Or Foe" shoot will be done between October 16-18, in the Los Angeles suburbs under direction of James Cox. The promo-visit to Israel is postponed. The main theme of the new video is Tatu themselves. First Yulia will show her talents playing the piano and then she will join Lena by the microphone in a cave, surrounded by their band – Sven, Troy and Roman. The shoot was performed in Bronson Caves in Hollywood by Eleven Seventy One Production Group. The group previously worked with such Tatu videos as "All About Us" and "Dangerous and Moving" and has experience in making videos for Eminem and Celine Dion. Bronson Caves are famous for being the set location of Western movies and Batman series.
18.10.2005 - Tatu are coming back to Moscow
The video for "Friend or Foe", the second single from the international album version, has been shot! Today at 6:05 pm Lena and Julia are arriving at Sheremetyevo-2 from Los Angeles to participate in the presentation of the album "Ludi Invalidi" ("Dangerous and Moving"). The presentation takes place October, 21 at 4 pm in the MediaHyperMarket "Soyuz" (Pyatnitskaya Street, 29). The open-air performance planned before is cancelled due to technical issues, but there will be an autograph-session and live performance inside "Soyuz".
At the end of October the second album launch party is being planned.
Tatu's arrival information:
Airline: Aeroflot (Russia) Flight: SU 322 Airport: Sheremetyevo-2, Moscow Scheduled: 18.05 (Moscow time) Expected: 17.50 (Moscow time)
19.10.2005 - Release 'Lyudi Invalidy'

Новая Модель 4:11
Обезьянка Ноль 4:25
Loves Me Not 3:14
Космос 4:09
Ты согласна 3:06
Ничья 3:04
Вся моя любовь 5:48
Что не хватает 4:25
19.10.2005 - Tatu got help from DJ Pimenov
Song "Ludi Invalidi", which had been written for the second Tatu album has recently got a new sound. A rather known musician Serguey Pimenov – a former member of PPK (trance music band, rem. TatySite.net) arranged a remix, which might become a new European hit.
- My work with Tatu is symbolic because it's only Tatu and PPK that have ever entered charts in Britain. Universal Music decided that "Ludi Invalidi" should be remixed and I was invited to do it. I wasn't forced to stay within any particular frames but was given a full freedom. I made two remixes – one with Russian vocals and another one – with English vocals. The remixes have almost nothing in common with the original song, except vocals of course. The remix is already in clubs and it receives a positive feedback. English version of the remix will soon be sent to Western clubs. I'm happy that Tatu got rid of the image being a one-hit wonder and of the teenage lesbians image. They turned now into serious artists.
21.10.2005 - Tatu’s autograph-session in Moscow
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Tatu will appear at their autograph-session at Media Market "Soyuz" (Pyatnitskaya, Str, 29, Moscow). The autograph-session is dedicated to the release of the Tatu's new albums "Dangerous and Moving" and "Ludi Invalidi" in Russia. Apart from the session, Tatu have a special present for the fans. The most scandalous and worldwide known Russian group Tatu will give a live performance on the spot.
October 21, Tatu had a presentation and autograph-session dedicated to the release of their new album "Ludi Invalidi" (Russian version of their international album). Tatu's former concert manager Leonid Dzunik and deputy of Gosduma (Russian parliament) Alexey Mitrofanov were among special guests there. Other than that, more than 300 fans, journalists, reporters and photographers were on the spot.Yulia and Lena brought their American band with them this time. For Sven, Troy and Roman it's their first visit to Moscow. Thus, as back up band, musicians assisted Lena and Yulia during a mini-gig at the presentation. Tatu performed six songs: "All About Us", "Obezianka Nol", "Ludi Invalidi", "Novaya Model", "Loves Me Not" and their very first hit "Ya Soshla S Uma" (Russian version of "All The Things She Said"). October 21th, at 16.00 (local time)
Tatu will appear at their autograph-session at Media Market "Soyuz" (Pyatnitskaya, Str, 29, Moscow). The autograph-session is dedicated to the release of the Tatu's new albums "Dangerous and Moving" and "Ludi Invalidi" in Russia. Apart from the session, Tatu have a special present for the fans. The most scandalous and worldwide known Russian group Tatu will give a live performance on the spot.
October 21, Tatu had a presentation and autograph-session dedicated to the release of their new album "Ludi Invalidi" (Russian version of their international album). Tatu's former concert manager Leonid Dzunik and deputy of Gosduma (Russian parliament) Alexey Mitrofanov were among special guests there. Other than that, more than 300 fans, journalists, reporters and photographers were on the spot.Yulia and Lena brought their American band with them this time. For Sven, Troy and Roman it's their first visit to Moscow. Thus, as back up band, musicians assisted Lena and Yulia during a mini-gig at the presentation. Tatu performed six songs: "All About Us", "Obezianka Nol", "Ludi Invalidi", "Novaya Model", "Loves Me Not" and their very first hit "Ya Soshla S Uma" (Russian version of "All The Things She Said"). October 21th, at 16.00 (local time)
22.10.2005 - Tatu on MTV's "Switched On"
In the show this week Jason meets Tatu to talk about their new album, gossip and kissing, whilst also getting a lesson in Russian.
23.10.2005 - Tatu continue to perform in Moscow
The biggest Moscow dance club Gaudi Arena is hosting the presentation of the new Tatu's album. Here, on October, 28 a presentation party of the Tatu's second album "Ludi Invalidi" / "Dangerous and Moving" is taking place. It's definitely not going to be quiet: everybody will be treated to Tatu live performance! Yup, when performing live, Tatu are much heavier!
26.10.2005 - Gaudi Arena Rehearsal
26.10.2005 - Radio 'Popsa' (102,5 FM)
Tatu are going to meet Sasha Prayanikov (famous Russian show-biz person) at "Popsa" radio station (102.5 FM)
26.10.2005 - Radio 'Popsa' (102,5 FM)
Tatu are going to meet Sasha Prayanikov (famous Russian show-biz person) at "Popsa" radio station (102.5 FM)
Program: "No spice cakes" Time: 7-8 pm Moscow time
26.10.2005 - Radio 'Dynamit FM' (101,2 FM)
And afterwards from 8 till 9 pm Yulia and Lena will host a request-show "Bubaila!" on "Dynamit FM" radio station (101.2 FM).

28.10.2005 - Radio "Rossiya" (FM 66,44)
Today, October 28, at 8:10 pm Tatu will answer questions at radio "Rossiya" (FM 66,44).
28.10.2005 - Concert in Gaudi Arena, Moscow
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A concert-presentation of the new Tatu album "Ludi Invalidi" took place at Gaudi Arena on October, 28. People, who gathered on this cold day at the club, came to personally greet Lena and Yulia with the release of their new album. There were not more people on the floor than in the VIP-zone. Tatu's pictures were hanging all over the place plus TV monitors showing Tatu videos and parts from various Tatu performances placed in the club's labyrinth. Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina showed up among the guests from time to time but tried to stay out of everyone's attention as much as possible and disappeared at once surrounded by their bodyguards. Lena Katina was dressed in a black polo was asked to be photographed by the fans and only answered with mincing manners "Later". Before Tatu showed up on stage, everyone had enough time to learn words of "Ludi Invalidi" by heart as the latter one had been played for about twenty times on the TV-monitors.
Finally, colourful spotlights lit the stage and Tatu-girls jumped out to face the audience. Yulia was noticeable by her green and yellow stockings and a short skirt. Lena was wearing denim jeans and jeans jacket. Three musicians – one drummer, one keyboard player and one guitar player took their positions on stage too. To the regret of the fans the show didn't last long – Tatu sang eight songs all in all. The girls cheered audience in between the songs by shouting "Everything is super!" and "You are all great!"
29.10.2005 - Tatu Sales in Japan – comparative statistics
To give people some perspective on how "Dangerous and Moving" is doing in Japan, here's some numbers compared to "200 km/h In The Wrong Lane".
"200 km/h In The Wrong Lane" was released in Japan on 5 March 2003 and it entered the Japanese chart directly at #1. "Dangerous and Moving" was released in Japan on 5 October 2005 and it entered the Japanese chart at #10.
"200 km/h In The Wrong Lane" sold over 500,000 copies during the first week of its release. "Dangerous and Moving" sold 23,262 copies during the first week of its release.
"200 km/h In The Wrong Lane" sold 2 million copies in 3 months, that's an average of over 150,000 copies a week. "Dangerous and Moving" is currently on an average of 20,000 copies a week.
"200 km/h In The Wrong Lane" was still in the Japanese top 10 chart 6 months after its release. "Dangerous and Moving" is down at #12 after 2 weeks and currently at #18 in the Japanese official sales chart.
02.11.2005 - Radio Yunost radio (FM 68,8), Moscow
November, 2 at 5 pm Yulia and Lena are having a one-hour talk at "Yunost" radio (FM 68,8).
03.11.2005 - Tatu for MTV Europe Music Awards 2005
Tatu will appear as presenters at MTV Europe Music Awards 2005. The ceremony will take place on November 3, at Pavilhao Atlantico, Lisbon, Portugal.
"We can also confirm a fresh bunch of celebrities have signed up to present at the awards. Big voiced siren Anastacia, immaculately groomed Bo Selector Craig David and those Russian pop minxes Tatu are all going to be there to hand out gongs", writes MTV Europe official site.
Source: TatySite.net (by materials of Universal Music, Russia and MTV Europe).
Upon their return from Lisbon, where Tatu presented the "Best male" award, the girls brought a goody bag. The value of such goody bag is 12 840 Euro and it includes:
- A weekend in Four Seasons Hotel of Lisbon, Sharm El Sheikh or Bali.
- A day tour with Rolls Royce including a private driver.
- Shower kit Claus Porto.
- Lingerie kit from Love Kylie Lingerie (Kylie Minogue series).
- Hair products from L'Oreal Professional.
- Make up from M.A.C.
- Amadana bambu ear-phones (limited edition).
- Elgato eyetv kit for computer.
- Griffin Radio Shark kit for computer.
- JBL Creature II speakers.
- Macromedia Flash Professional 8 software.
- La Rush computer game.
- Sibelius 4 software for music editing.
- Jeans and wear from Replay.
- A new Bob Dylan DVD (with exclusive material).
- Presents from Spongebob, Star Wars, Paramount Comedy.
Such goody bags were even given to Madonna, Robbie Williams, Coldplay, Anastacia and Sugarbabes.
Watch | DownloadUpon their return from Lisbon, where Tatu presented the "Best male" award, the girls brought a goody bag. The value of such goody bag is 12 840 Euro and it includes:
- A weekend in Four Seasons Hotel of Lisbon, Sharm El Sheikh or Bali.
- A day tour with Rolls Royce including a private driver.
- Shower kit Claus Porto.
- Lingerie kit from Love Kylie Lingerie (Kylie Minogue series).
- Hair products from L'Oreal Professional.
- Make up from M.A.C.
- Amadana bambu ear-phones (limited edition).
- Elgato eyetv kit for computer.
- Griffin Radio Shark kit for computer.
- JBL Creature II speakers.
- Macromedia Flash Professional 8 software.
- La Rush computer game.
- Sibelius 4 software for music editing.
- Jeans and wear from Replay.
- A new Bob Dylan DVD (with exclusive material).
- Presents from Spongebob, Star Wars, Paramount Comedy.
Such goody bags were even given to Madonna, Robbie Williams, Coldplay, Anastacia and Sugarbabes.
08.11.2005 - Friend or foe Release
The song was written by Dave Stewart and Martin Kierszenbaum, while production was handled by Kierszenbaum and Robert Orton. The song was released by Interscope on 2 October 2005 as the album's second single. Musically, the song is a pop rock and electropop inspired song, with dance music influences. The song features ambiguous lyrics; it is unclear who exactly the words are directed at.
The song received generally positive reviews from critics, with many identifying it as the album's best song along with its praised for its dance nature and lyrical content. The song did not perform successfully like the group's previous single "All About Us", chart just under the top forty in most countries it charted in. An accompanying music video was issued, where it featured the group singing in a cave to fans.
"Friend or Foe" generally received mixed reception surrounding chart positions. The song managed to peak inside the top three in Hungary, peaking at number three. The song then managed to peak inside the top forty in countries including Czech Republic, Italy and Belgium. In the United Kingdom, the song spent a sole week on the UK Singles Chart at forty-eight. It was the group's last single to chart in the United Kingdom ever since.
The song did not offer better success in various European countries, peaking at fifty-three on the Belgium Singles Chart (Flanders), seventy-five on the Swiss Singles Chart and eighty-nine on the Mega Single Top 100 in the Netherlands.
09.11.2005 - Tatu are going for a new promo-tour!
November, 15 Tatu are going for a new promo-tour! The tour schedule is subject of change.
15 - 16 November – Denmark
17 - 19 November – France (Paris)
25 - 27 November – Italy (Milan)
27 - 29 November - Mexico (Mexico City)
1 - 4 December - Argentina (Buenos Aires)
5 - 7 December - Brazil
8 - 11 December - Taiwan
10.11.2005 - Single "Friend Or Foe" already in December
Release of the second single from Tatu's new album "Dangerous and Moving" is set to the middle of December. We remind you that the promotional video to the song was shot in Los-Angeles suburbs in the middle of October and is practically ready for the global release in the nearest future.
10.11.2005 - MTV Interview Fresh Morning
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15.11.2005 - Promo-tour: Tatu leave Moscow for Denmark
November 15 at 3:45 PM (Moscow time) the plane Moscow-Copenhagen (flight SAS 735) takes off with Lena and Julia on board – a new promo-tour is ahead! Arrival at Copenhagen is at 4:30 PM.
15.11.2005 - Promotour Denmark
On November 15-16, Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina visited Demnark where they had a number of interviews, which included:
TV appearances:
MTV "LUSH" (afternoon show at MTV)
Boogie (Music programme on national television)
OR 2 Direkte Interview
Popular TV-show. Will be aired the 18/11 – at their last show!

Popular TV-show. Will be aired the 18/11 – at their last show!

Musik.dk (Music E-zine)
Urban (Daily paper)
Ekstra Bladet (Daily paper)
Se & Hoer (Weekly entertainment magazine)
Frikvarter (Monthly lifestyle and music magazine)
M! (Site for men)
Later in the afternoon on November 16, the group was flown to Paris to continue their promo-tour.
16.11.2005 - Promo-tour: Tatu in Paris
On 16 November, Tatu successfully arrived to Charles De Gaulle International airport (Paris) from Copenhagen.
Today Tatu spent the whole day in the company of journalists and photographers (Star Club, FHM, FNAC TV/TCHATCHE TV, MTV, Star Academy Magazine, Too Much, Metro, Super, Muteen, MAX). Interview on TV show "Tout Le Monde En Parle" on channel France 2 at 10:55 PM.
(Recording on 17 November at Studio VCF de la rue de la Montjoie, La Plaine St-Denis, from 9:00 PM to 2:00+ AM)

16.11.2005 - Tatu to run for a national Order of Friendship
A controversial lawmaker from the ultra-nationalist LDPR party proposed Wednesday to award singers from the world-famous pop duo Tatu with Orders of Friendship. "I request that the committee on culture reviews the possibility of awarding singers from the world-famous Tatu pop group with Orders of Friendship," member of LDPR faction in the State Duma, the lower chamber of the Russian parliament, Alexei Mitrofanov said during a plenary session. In his opinion, the singers, who have topped the charts all over the world, deserved the state honors and he urged deputies to support his initiative. The Order of Friendship is awarded to figures who have made a substantial contribution to strengthening ties with other countries. "Yulia Volkova and Eelena Katina have visited dozens of countries and have given thousands of interviews to the media," said Mitrofanov. "Even Prince Charles swore he would learn Russian before TV cameras during a meeting with them."
19.11.2005 - Autograph-session in Paris, Virgin Megastore
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12:45 PM Lena and Julia leave De Sers hotel (41 Avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie
75008 Paris) for the Virgin Megastore du Louvre (Virgin Megastore in Louvre, Galerie du Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli, 75001, Paris), where for one and a half hours - 2:00 – 3:30 PM - they will be giving autographs.
After the autograph-session Tatu will depart to Lille (Lille Grand Palais "Zenith"). There Lena and Julia will sing the songs "All About Us" and "All The Things She Said" at NRJ Music Tour event. The rehearsal starts at 6:30 PM. The show begins 9 PM. NRJ will have a live broadcasts of the event.

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25.11.2005 - Friday, At 9.25am - Tatu are arriving at Malpensa airport (Milan)
Right after the arrival Lena and Julia will go to Italian office of Universal Music, where they will meet with journalists (GQ, Glamour, Eutelia, Vanity Fair).
At 13.45 – Tatu will participate in the live show of MTV TRL from the Duomo Square in Milan.
At 15.15 – meet Tatu at the autograph-session in Messaggerie Musicali di Milano (Vittorio Emanuele II Str, 100 m. from the Duomo Square). Tatu will sign copies of their new album and singles "All Abou Us".
15 members of the official Italian Tatu community will be chosen to receive VIP invitations to meet Tatu privately.
At 18.00 - Tatu will give radio Play DJ their last interview for today. In the evening Lena and Julia are flying to Rome from Linate airport.
Saturday, November 26 – Tatu in Rome
Hotel where Tatu are staying: Rome Cavalieri Hilton
At 11.30 - Tatu will go to the rehearsal of "Amici" TV-show.
At 14.00 – Tatu will take part in TV show of Maria De Filippi "Amici". Live broadcast of this show is on Channel 5 (Italy).
At 16.20 - Tatu are expected at RAI studio (via Asiago, 10), where they will give an interview at Hit Parade show ( Radio Rai Due). After the interview goes rehearsal for tomorrow's show "Domenica In".
Besides, throughout the whole day Tatu will be giving interviews to Italian media (Girlfriend, Cioe', Ragazza Moderna, Magic TV, ansa.it).
At 19.00 – Meet Tatu at the music store Messaggerie Musicali di Roma ( Del Corso Str. 472, tube station: Spagna). Tatu will present their new album, their new single "All About Us" and will sign the discs copies.
Sunday, November 27 – Tatu in Rome
At 14.00 – Tatu will take part in the live broadcast of the show "Domenica In" on Rai Uno, where they'll sing "All About Us".

23.11.2005 - Tatu on STS channel in the program "Stories in details"
Two weeks in a row the shooting crew of Russian TV-channel STS was chasing Lena and Julia during rehearsals, presentations, concerts and interview, and finally… "Tatu are coming! Give way to Tatu"!
November 24 (Thursday) at 7:30 PM an exclusive story about Tatu is coming out on STS channel in the program "Stories in details". The t.A.T.u. story will be repeated November, 25 (Friday) at 11:30 PM and November, 28 (Monday) at 9 AM.
26.11.2005 - Tatu in the documentary "A future star"
Little stars of sports, movies and advertisement. They are still just the children but have to follow cruel laws of grown-ups. How to become a champion without becoming a disabled person? How to remain a child where instead of school, you have tours and instead of friends – you got producers? Tragic lives of the show business rookies and children that became famous and fulfilled their parents' dreams.
All of this - in the new documentary of Ilya Zimin "A future star" at NTV, Russia on Saturday, November 26 at 19.30 (Moscow Time).
27.11.2005 - Single "Friend or Foe" is ready for release
During the past week, Universal Music shipped off promo-discs of Tatu's second single "Friend or Foe".
The disc includes five remixes of "Friend or Foe" and one album version of the song.
1. Lenny Bertoldo Club Mix
2. L.E.X Massive Club Mix
3. Morel's Pink Noise Mix
4. Glam As You Mix by Guena LG
5. L.E.X Global Oxygen Mix
6. Album Version
It's become known that another edition of the promo-disc includes 13 remixes of "Friend or Foe".
1. Glam As You Radio Edit
2. Glam As You Club Mix
3. Lenny Bertoldo Radio Edit
4. Lenny Bertoldo Club Mix
5. Lenny Bertoldo Dub Mix
6. L.E.X Global Oxygen Edit
7. L.E.X Global Oxygen Club Mix
8. L.E.X Massive Club Edit
9. L.E.X Massive Club Mix
10. L.E.X Massive Dub Mix
11. Morel's Pink Noise Edit
12. Morel's Pink Noise Mix
13. Morel's Pink Noise Dub
According to Unversal Music, the second Tatu's single "Friend or Foe" will be released on December 12 in Finland, Norway, Denmark and on January 16 – in UK.
28.11.2005 - Promo-tour: Tatu in Mexico
November, 28 (Monday) at 6:50 PM Tatu are arriving at Mexico City (flight LUFTHANSA 498). Until tomorrow’s afternoon Lena and Julia will be resting at Four Seasons Hotel to be fresh for another media-marathon.
November, 29 (Tuesday)
Tatu will be meeting journalists and photographers starting from second half of the day. At 2 PM Tatu are having a press conference with almost a hundred representatives the Mexican mass media. Additionally, Lena and Julia will give several interviews after the conference (Telehit, Televisa Espectaculos, Hechos Tv Azteca, Tu magazine, Seventeen) and have a roundtable with teen and music magazines.
From 2 PM till 4 PM Tatu will be giving autographs at Mix Up Polanco. The autograph-session will be covered by key newspapers and tv stations.
At 4:30 PM Tatu are going to sound-check before their 40-minute performance at Telehit channel – the major music channel in Latin America. Before the show Tatu will talk with the journalist from Alfa Radio - the most popular pop radio station in the country. Telehit airs live at 8 PM (local time).
November, 30 (Wednesday)
From 2 PM till 4 PM Tatu will be giving autographs at Mix Up Polanco - the store of the largest retail chain MIX UP. The autograph-session will be covered by key newspapers and tv stations.
29.11.2005 - "Viva Mexico!" by Tatu
On November 29, Tatu performed live at one of the largest shows in Mexico – Telehit. Passionate Latin audience didn't disappoint Tatu girls and showed them a full support. Although Yulia's voice failed during performance of "Obezianka Nol", it didn't spoil the overall atmosphere of fest in the hall. Lena exclaimed in excitement "Viva Mexico! You are the best!" and promised to come back with a gig already this summer.
All in all Tatu performed 8 songs at this presentation:
All About Us
Not Gonna Get Us
Obezianka Nol
Perfect Enemy
Friend or Foe
Loves Me Not
Dangerous and Moving
All The Thing She Said
To all that, official release of the new Tatu video "Friend or Foe" took place in Mexico last night.
01.12.2005 - Promo-tour: Tatu in Argentina
Having left Mexico, where the album "Dangerous and Moving" has already reached "golden" status (50,000 copies sold), on the first day of Latin American summer Tatu arrived in Argentina. Lena and Julia are staying in Hotel Faena Universe (Martha Salotti, 445)

During second half of the day Tatu are giving interviews at Radio Disney, Pop Radio §Ъ TN Show. In the evening Tatu are meeting the journalists from national and cable tv channels - Mananas Infornales (Canal 13), VIVI Musica (Canal 9), Much Music, Buenos Dias Argentina, A 24, Lo Mejor De Fox, Mar de Fondo.
10:30 PM Tatu perform at the show CIRCO CRIOLLO (Canal 9), where they are singing "All About Us" and "All The Things She Said".
01.12.2005 - (Friday)
At 2:30 PM Tatu are expected at the radio LA 100 (Mansilla 2668), at 4 PM ЁC at the radio FM HIT (Rivadavia 835). At 4:45 PM Lena and Julia are giving an interview to the first national paper of Argentina Clarin at CafЁ¦ Tortoni (Rivadavia 840).
At 6 PM - sound-check before a 50-minute performance at Cablevision (Paroissian 3930). The performance starts at 8 PM and will be broadcasted at fibertel.com. Next week the recorded show will be repeated on Radio Disney.
02.12.2005 - (Saturday)
At 11:30 AM Tatu will show up in the live music show on Rock In TV. After lunch Lena and Julia are meeting Argentinean mass media reps - Gente, Hombre, TKM, 10musica.com, Telam Agency, Reuters&Dyn agency, Para Ti.

04.12.2005 - Gomenasai got its second birth
One of the few ballads from the new album "Dangerous and Moving" – "Gomenasai" begins its airplay worldwide. Californian band Flipsyde borrowed original vocal and instrumental parts of Tatu's for its new hit "Happy Birthday". Lyrics of this rap ballad have nothing to do with the birthday greetings but tell about regrets of a person over his unborn child. The release of this single is set by Interscope/Cherrytree Records at the end of December.
05.12.2005 - Promo-tour: Tatu in Brasil
Latin America promo-tour continues! The flight from Argentina to Brasil was delayed, and Lena and Yulia returned to the airport entrance several times – to hang out with their fans who came to kiss them good bye. Thanks to Argentinean tatumans who finally let Tatu leave Buenos Aires, last night Lena and Yulia arrived to the biggest Brasilian city San Paolo. Lena and Julia are staying in Hotel Hyatt.
December, 5 (Monday)
In the morning Tatu will give interviews to Brazilian radio stations Radio Energia 97M and Jovem Pan (live show Panico 12:15 PM – 1:45PM).

At 2 PM Lena and Yulia are expected at the rehearsal of Jo Soares Show (TV Globo) – Brasilian variant of David Letterman and Jay Leno shows with 10-million audience. Tatu will perform "All About Us" and "All the Things She Said".
After the show Tatu will meet with journalists of programs Metropolis (TV Cultura) and Multishow (cable channel).

At 10 PM Tatu will go to Hebe Camargo Show (SBT TV), where they'll perform "All About Us". The show with 20 million viewers will be aired live.
December, 6 (Tuesday)
At 10 AM Tatu will give an interview and have a photo shoot for MTV Magazine. For the thirst time in the history of the magazine the cover will have not vj's or phsycodelic pictures, but artists - Tatu.

At noon Lena and Julia will go to Transamerica Radio, and afterwards the whole crew will have a sound check for the evening 45-minute performance at the Radio Mix showcase. The show venue is the concert area URBANO (capacity 700 people). The showcase starts at 4 PM and later will be broadcasted on MIX TV.
From 6 PM till 9 PM Tatu will be the guests of MTV Brasil. Lena and Yulia will appear live in DISK show, record the interview for MTV Journal and watch the videos they like in a show VideoClash.
At 11 PM starts a 28-hour flight to Taiwan.
07.12.2005 - Tatu ran off to Taiwan
The next to the last day of the Brazilian promo-tour turned into the last one for Brazilian Tatu-fans. Initially scheduled to December 7 appearances were moved to the previous day and on the night of December 6, Tatu left for Taiwan. Such a quick escape of the Russian pop-stars to Taiwan made thousands of Brazilian fans disappointed and brought people who followed the group's promo-tour into a sort of bewilderment .
The most unexpected situation of this promo-visit took place on the night of the performance in Urbano club. The club was fully packed with fans and the volume of the playback was clearly above the level suitable for clubs of this size. Because of fallacious volume and Brazilian heat Tatu suffered a general overrun and were forced to be taken care of with a professional medical assistance. As a result, they had to cancel an upcoming appearance at MTV Brazil show DISK. The program presenters excused themselves for Tatu’s cancellation because of bad physical condition of Yulia and Lena. A set of rumours was immediately launched. Some of sources even reported hospitalisation of Lena. To the relief of both Tatu-girls and their fans, everything ended up fine and the mini-gig turned into a success.
Tomorrow at 14.00 Tatu arrive with the flight CX406 to Taipei International airport. Representatives of Taiwan media are expected to cover Tatu’s arrival. After that, Tatu will go for accommodation at Grand Formosa Regent Taipei Hotel.
08.12.2005 - Friend or Foe release postponed
Release of the second Tatu single from album "Dangerous and Moving" - "Friend or Foe" is slightly postponed in Norway. The single will be released on January 16, 2006. This date was previously set for UK only.
CD Maxi
1. Friend or foe (Single Version)
2. Friend or foe (L.E.X. Global Oxygen Edit)
3. Friend or foe (Morel's Pink Noise Mix)
4. Friend or foe (Video)
CD Single
1. Friend or foe (Single Version)
2. Friend or foe (L.E.X. Global Oxygen Edit)
09.12.2005 - Tatu's on-road adventures
Can Tatu do without adventures? No.
The flight San-Paolo – Frankfurt went smoothly not counting the suspiciousness of a flight attendant, who saw Lena and Julia going to the restroom together.
Flight attendants: Excuse me, but what are you going to do there together?
Julia: We do everything together – travel together, live together!
Flight attendant thought for a second and then said politely: Ok, take your time.
At Frankfurt airport it turned out that Julia took a passport without Taiwan visa (for travel conveniences she has two passports), so she was not allowed to the Frankfurt-Honk Kong flight. Only Lena came to Taipei but without her suitcase and spent the evening shopping her new clothing. Later Julia had her passport delivered to her, so she’s arriving Taipei today at 11:20 AM. From the airport Julia will go straight to the press-conference.
December 9 (Friday)
In the morning Lena will give interviews to the journalists from Malaysia (Hot Mag, Hitz Fm) and Indonesia (Rolling Stone, Spice).

At 1:30 PM a one-hour press-conference will start, with about a hundred of representatives of national and regional mass media. At the beginning of the conference Tatu will receive gold record plaque from Universal Music: in Taiwan the album "Dangerous and Moving" has already reached "golden" status – 15,000 copies sold.
After the press conference Tatu will give three more interviews (ERA news, CTI news, UFO radio) and at 5:10 PM they will be the guests in the live entertainment news TVBS-G.
At 7 PM Lena and Julia will have a sound check at the football stadium Chung-Sheng (capacity 30, 000 people). Tomorrow there will be a music happening V-Power, where Tatu are headliners and the only international stars.
December, 10 (Saturday)
They are already meeting with the journalists. Today Lena and Julia will give interviews to Channel V, MTV Korea, MTV Asia, Daum, radio Perfect Ten 98.7FM (Singapore), Teens Magazine (Singapore).
Since yesterday people have been gathering around the venue Chung-Sheng so that they could take best places at the football stadium during Power V festival. At 8:10 PM a 20-minute Tatu set starts. Lena and Julia will sing six songs:
1. All About Us
2. She Loves Me
3. Obezyanka Nol
4. Dangerous and Moving
5. Friend or Foe
6. All The Things She Said
December, 11 (Sunday)
At 1:30 PM Tatu will give interviews to Taiwan radio stations (Wave Radio, Hit FM), and at 2 PM there will be a roundtable with key newspapers and magazines. At 3:30 PM Lena and Julia will have a 1-hour autograph-session at the store of the biggest chain Rose Records (location: Shimenting). The last interview of this promo-tour will be given to the main Taiwan daily magazine Next after returning to the hotel.
On December, 12 at 9:20 AM Tatu are leaving Taipei for Moscow.
10.12.2005 Tatu nominated at NRJ Radio Awards
On January 19th 2006, NRJ Radio Awards 2006 will take place in Hartwall Arena, Helsinki, Finland. Tatu are nominated in 2 categories - Best Pop and Best International Group. The nominees for each category are:
Best Pop - Tatu, Madonna, Shakira, Sugarbabes and The Black Eyed Peas.
Best International Group - Tatu, Sugarbabes, Green Day, The Black Eyed Peas and The Pussycat Dolls.
Voting on-line for NRJ Radio Awards can be done below
NRJ Awards Final voting
13.12.2005 - A school bell for Tatu
Upon their return from another global promo-tour of this year Tatu faced reality of everyday life. As Russian Internet site shoowbiz.ru reports, Lena Katina is about to be sent down from the University where she studies psychology. Lena, of course, is not happy to receive such news right before Christmas holidays. Lena’s parents tried to help their daughter and applied for an academic leave. The University administration declined the request stating that Lena has already used such privilege twice.
As we were informed during this time Yulia Volkova is thinking to start her studies too. Her choice could become the faculty of Producing and Management in the show business at the State University of Management. Yulia told multiple times that she wanted to become a producer and two years of studies could give the singer a great theoretical basis. As for the practical part, we all know that Yulia has more of it than it could be required.
Now only time will show if there'll be "a school bell" for Tatu or not.
19.12.2005.- Guy Chambers wrote a song for Tatu
Guy Chambers, mostly known as co-writer and producer of five Robbie Williams' albums, wrote a song "Wrapped Around Your Finger" for Tatu. For the present, the song will be performed exclusively at concerts.
Besides his work with Robbie Williams, Chambers collaborated with INXS, James Blunt, Diana Ross and other high-profile artists.
20.12.2005 - Tatu will perform on Energy Stars For Free 2005
December, 21 Tatu will leave for Zurich, where on December, 22 Energy Stars For Free, the big music event, is taking place for the third time.
Lena and Julia will sing:
1. All About Us
2. She Loves Me
3. Obezyanka Nol
4. Friend or Foe
5. Dangerous & Moving
Arrival at Zurich: 7:10 PM (flight LX 1327)
Hotel: Park Hyatt Zurich
Venue: Hallenstadion
Capacity: 12, 000 people (the biggest arena in Switzerland)
Doors: 4:30 PM
Beginning: 6:30 PM
Appox. end: 11 PM
Details: Energy Stars For Free 2005
22.12.2005 - The last promo-tour "charged" Latin America extremely well
In Brazil, "All About Us" is the #5 most played track at radio, including all the local repertoire. In the playlists of MIX radio, the station that did Tatu live showcase in Sao Paulo, "All About Us" is the most requested track this week. Tatu are #1. In Argentina, "All About Us" is a top 5 hit in the airplay charts.
In Mexico, the album "Dangerous and Moving" moved up to #4 in the sales charts at the time when all the big releases are coming out.
Source: TatySite.net | Source: Official Site | Interscope Records & Universal Russia